How to write this kind of chemical reaction equation? Barium hydroxide of equal volume and concentration is mixed with ammonium bicarbonate solution It's the amount of such substances

How to write this kind of chemical reaction equation? Barium hydroxide of equal volume and concentration is mixed with ammonium bicarbonate solution It's the amount of such substances


Write the following chemical reaction equation,
Impurities: (impurities in brackets)
CO(CO2) ,NaCl(HCl) ,Na2SO4(NaOH) ,NaOH(Na2CO3) ,FeSO4(CuSO4) ,N2(O2) ,CaO(CaCO3) ,Na2CO3(NaOH)

CO2 + 2naoh = = = = Na2CO3 + H2O (co does not react with NaOH) Na2CO3 + 2HCl = 2nacl + H2O + CO2 ↑ (excess HCl can be removed by heating) 2naoh + CuSO4 = Na2SO4 + Cu (OH) 2 ↓ (precipitation can be removed by filtration) Na2CO3 + Ca (OH) 2 = 2naoh + CaCO3 ↓