200 words of life composition

200 words of life composition

If junior high school life is a beautiful music, then happiness is one of the indispensable notes
Looking back on the past, happiness overflows in my heart. When my grades fall, a teacher's encouragement is a kind of happiness; when I'm sad, a friend's comfort is a kind of happiness; when I fall to the ground, my classmates' warm support is a kind of happiness; when my behavior is bad, my parents' criticism is also a kind of happiness But some students say that junior high school life all kinds of hardships, no, I think life is full of happiness, but you didn't realize it
If junior high school life is an endless sea, then frustration is one of the indispensable waves
In junior high school life, frustration has almost become a home cooked meal. A day without setbacks is not a complete day. With setbacks, our life will be more interesting; with setbacks, our life will be more memorable. There is a good song: "how can we see rainbow without experiencing wind and rain..." How can we succeed without setbacks. We should treat setbacks correctly, climb and roll in setbacks, and the more frustrated we are, the more brave we are
If junior high school life is a blue sky, then frustration is one of the floating clouds
In the sky of junior high school life, frustration is always inevitable. It's a kind of frustration that the exam results are not ideal. It's a kind of frustration to have conflicts with friends. All kinds of misfortunes that we encounter can be regarded as a kind of frustration. In the face of frustration, we must not be pessimistic, we must not lose heart, we must win with strong perseverance. In the face of frustration, we must not despair, the sunshine is always after the wind and rain, After disappointment, the sky must be clear and the road must be straight and broad
In the colorful stage of junior high school life, we are playing different roles at any time, but no matter what the role is, we have to dress up and make it live up to expectations
In the vast field of junior high school life, we are sowing seeds of hope at any time, but no matter what the result is, we should also work hard to make it thrive
In the economic market of junior high school life, we will accept different challenges at any time, but no matter what our achievements are, we still have to devise strategies to make it stronger and wiser
Have a junior high school life, you have a happy; taste the junior high school life, you will face everything with calm mood
Feeling life, let joy, sunshine and happiness accompany you every day!

Write the life composition in the holiday, about 500 words

It depends on your own experience. Write it yourself. If others can't imitate your tone, you will be found out

My primary school life 500 words
In the form of autobiography

My primary school life
Memory like gurgling water once again across the eyes, that: "Hua Hua" sound is so lovely. Beautiful. Pure and sweet, I remember when I was a child, when I was lazy, my mother often said: "now there is no burden, to the sixth grade is busy dead pull!" all spring and summer in the twinkling of an eye, sixth grade graduation class also arrived, and in my eyes, our sixth grade is lovely. Beautiful. Happy!
From grade 5, Mr. Xu has been taking class 2, and it will not change until now, and next semester. In Grade 5, Mr. Xu is very good at "eighteen kinds of martial arts" such as swearing, turning tables, throwing books, etc. but in Grade 6, he turns 360 degrees. He is gentle and elegant to us, never scolding us, and never giving up his hands to us like relatives, Class two is better. Although Mr. Xu forbids us to play ping pong and even helps us "keep it temporarily", we are getting used to it and like rope skipping!
Mr. Xu's kindness to us is far more than that. The sixth grade should be full of courses, but Mr. Xu's kindness is far more than that
However, many activities were held for us: in the reading class every 5 afternoons, we were allowed to share our feelings after reading, and the students presided over and selected representatives themselves, which exercised our courage, organizational ability, composition, reading and reading. Also, the reading plug made me and the monitor Ye Weinan plan. I was very happy to accept it, but there were also many failures, Mr. Xu injured his waist, but didn't stop class. He stood on the platform with his love for us
Mr. Xu, no matter you are vicious, kind or fragile, we will love you forever! You are our good teacher forever!

The composition of science making life better is about 400 to 500 words

Science makes life better
From ancient times to the present, there are many famous people who are heading for Science: Copernicus risked his life to put forward the heliocentric theory, Edison found tungsten wire through thousands of experiments and invented the electric lamp; from "three people, there must be my teacher" to "scientific development depends on everyone." all these revolve around science
In ancient times, people were always influenced by deicism. They didn't believe in science. They burned incense and worshipped Buddha every day. In the end, they had nothing to do. Many people worshipped Buddha and believed in Buddha, and eventually suffered their own consequences. But there are many people who believe in science. Although many people are sent to the guillotine, they are unyielding to death. This spirit is the crystallization of science, Make full use of a variety of resources, the use of a variety of knowledge, which is the crystallization of science
Once upon a time, I heard such a question: "did people in ancient times live a better life or do people today live a better life?" I don't know how the person being asked answered, and everyone has different perspectives when looking at the question, but I think there is science to be happy
A thousand years ago, people's life was simple and miserable. They needed to communicate with each other through flying pigeons. From Shanghai to Beijing, it was also a long journey. If they got pneumonia, they had no medicine to cure. They could only pray for the whole family. Over the years, wars continued, and they were fighting for land, pitiful and crying
Nowadays, people are full and happy. With the development of medical technology, almost all the common diseases in life can be cured. People who have been extended their life have more time to expand and enjoy life. With the rapid development of biology, chemistry and other natural sciences and technologies, It brings rich and colorful spiritual food to the people with strong curiosity. While exploring and inventing, human beings affirm their self-worth. People enjoy the happiness brought by science and technology, but also harvest happiness
Human beings have such great wisdom, discovered and created so many "miracles". The double helix decryption of DNA molecules, the Internet benefits thousands of families, the first cosmic speed to send the space shuttle into the universe, and the development of cloning technology helps patients with diseases regain their life. These technologies are unprecedented in ancient times, and this is the symbol of human science
The reason why science can make life better is that there are lots of good people who make rational use of science and technology and disdain their efforts. They apply beautiful science and technology to the construction of social harmony, to the enrichment and shaping of human material and spirit, to the ceaseless and correct pursuit of truth and to the admiration of moral quality
When someone asks you when you think people are happier, please don't hesitate to tell him now. Because we are living in the cradle of science and enjoying the happiness brought by science and technology
We also have reason to believe that the rapid development of science and technology will be used for the benefit of mankind, nature and the world, so that science will shine the most beautiful and pure brilliance!
Give you a model for reference
I hope you can write your own composition well
I wish you progress in your studies!

An excellent composition in childhood, more than 500 words

Childhood anecdotes
I had a very happy childhood, and I still remember the stories that happened at that time. There is one thing I am very happy about when I think about it, because it brings me infinite fun
One day, after school, I saw a lot of students in front of me. I went over curiously and saw that it was a box of cute ducklings. I asked, five for one, and I bought it for only four. I picked it up and held it in both hands. Its small eyes looked at me like two black beans, He called at me from time to time. And his swaying appearance was very cute. When I squatted down to take the plastic bag, he ran out of my hand. I caught him back and said, "this little thing is really naughty." then, I put it in the plastic bag and gave it a name - "naughty."
When I got home, I put it in the shoe box and put it on the table for fear that it would run out. However, it was not obedient. It grabbed the box with its wings first, and then jumped out of the box with a strong force. Then, it ran forward regardless of everything, and finally fell on the chair. It jumped down from the chair again. It swayed over and yelled at me. I think it was hungry, I took out a few green vegetables from the refrigerator, carefully cut them into thin pieces, and then put them into a small plate. As soon as I picked up the plate, the duckling swayed to me and saw it flapping its wings and stretching its neck. Before I put the plate firmly, it greedily ate it with its yellow and flat mouth, Its yellow mouth is like a small clip. After a while, it eats all the dishes on the plate with its yellow mouth like a small clip. It looks so cute when eating. I like it better when it tastes so delicious
In the evening, my father came back and made a window for "little naughty" with a cardboard box. My mother made food for it and I poured water for it. It was like a little guest of my family. Once, I put my finger on its flat mouth and lifted it up. Its small claws immediately pedaled like a bicycle. At this time, my father saw it, Then he said anxiously, "put it down quickly." I asked strangely, "why?" "if you pull its mouth, it will hurt." I immediately put it down. I asked, "why does it hurt?" my father said, "although the duckling's mouth is hard, its mouth is also connected with the meat, So if you pull his mouth, of course it will hurt. "I am ashamed to say to the duckling," I'm so sorry. "At this time," naughty "barked to me twice. It seemed to forgive me
Since the duckling came to my home, it has added a lot of fun to my life. I still miss the duckling

Composition "life is wonderful because of maternal love" 400-500 words
"Child, wait for me!" in the cold wind, I seem to hear someone calling me. I quickly look back. It's mom! She's panting and coming to me. Her hair has been blown out of order by the wind. "
Start with this paragraph and continue

Holding a bright red scarf in my hand, I shook and yelled. I forgot your red scarf. I stopped and looked at my mother gratefully, saying, "Mom, look at you, your hair has blown away." my mother said seriously, "as a young pioneer, you are the flower of our motherland, the future of our motherland, the pillar of our motherland. You should love our motherland, your five-star red flag, Your red scarf... Many years ago, our country was beaten because of its backwardness. The humiliation of our motherland for many years... Now our motherland is strong, but we must not forget those martyrs who fought hard for today. They dyed the five-star red flag with fresh blood for today
[you can continue to write according to this content]

>For the title, a 500 word composition!

Please take "my holiday life" as an example