How do you calculate the half power of three?

How do you calculate the half power of three?

Square root of mental arithmetic
The square root of 4 is 2
Then, the square root of 3 can be estimated first: 2
Calculation: (2 + 3 / 2) / 2 = 1.75
Then, by substituting 1.75
Find the square root of a
Estimate: X
The square root of a can be obtained by iteration

Calculate: (64 of 49) to the minus half power Isn't it 8 / 7



1 / 2 of 27 = ± 3 √ 3

How to calculate the half power of a number? For example: One half of 4 is( The value of (x ^ 2 + 1) / x?

That is to square this number
2? 2 = 4, 1 / 2 of 4 = 2
(X^2+1)/x =x+1/x
1 / 8 of x) = 1 / 2
If both sides of the equation are squared at the same time
∴ (X^2+1)/x =62

What about the minus third power of 11

=1 / 11 to the 1 / 3 power
=1 / (cube root of 11)

What about the fourth power of minus one third


Calculate: (minus one third) to the fifth power × the seventh power of six times the sixth power of (negative half)


What is (minus 0.125) to the 12th power (minus one has two thirds) to the seventh power (minus eight) to the thirteenth power (minus three fifths) to the ninth power


The 12th power of - 0.125 = how many - the 7th power of - 5 / 3 = how many - the 9th power of - 3 / 5 = how much


Calculation: the 2nd power of 2002 - 2001 * 2003
