What is the zero power of a negative number? @@@@@@@

What is the zero power of a negative number? @@@@@@@

In mathematics, it is stipulated that the 0 th power of 1 is equal to 1
Any number other than 0 is 1 to the power of 1, but 0 does not exist. This is a wrong concept, just as 0 cannot be divisor

If the fifth power of a number is negative, then the number to the power of 2010 is_____ (fill in "positive" or "negative") number

The number to the power of 2010 is a positive number

If the 101 th power of a number is negative, then the number is

If the 101 th power of a number is negative, the number is negative

If sin θ + cos θ = root 2, find the following formula values: (1) the cubic power of sin θ + the cubic power of cos θ; (2) Tan θ + cot θ

The amount of square of the two sides is 1 + 2 sin θ cos θ = 2 sin θ cos θ = 2 sin θ cos θ = 1 / 2 (1) SIN3 3 θ + cos 3 3 θ = (sin θ + cos θ) (sin θ - sin θ - sin θ cos θ + cos θ + cos θ = 1 / 2 * (1-1 / 2) = (1-1 / 2) = √ 2 / 2 (2) Tan θ + cot θ = sin θ / cos θ + cos θ / sin θ = 1 / sin θ = 1 / sin θ, cos θ = 1 / sin θ, cos θ = 1 / sin θ, cos θ = 1 / sin θ, cos θ = 1 / sin θ = 1 / sin θ, cos θ = 1 and

If Sina + cosa = root 2, then the value of sin quartic a + cos quartic a

Sina + cosa = root 2 square of both sides 1 + 2sinacosa = 2 sinacosa = 1 / 2 sin quartic a + cos quartic a = (Sina + COSA) - 2sinacosa = 1-2 × 1 / 4 = 1 / 2


For cos (0.25pi + a) cos (0.25pi-a) = 0.25, cos (0.25pi-a) = sin (0.5pi - (0.25pi-a)) = sin (0.25pi + a), there is cos (0.25pi + a) * sin (0.25pi + a) = 0.25, then sin (0.5 + 2a) = 0.5, cos2a = 0.5sina + cosa

If cos (π / 4 + a) cos (π / 4-A) = 1 / 4, find the fourth power of sina and the fourth power of cosa

∴ sin(π/4-a)cos(π/4-a)=1/4
∴ (1/2)cos(2a)=1/4
The fourth power of sina and the fourth power of cosa

How to calculate the nth power of a number? For example, to the 15th power of 10,

When n is a small integer, multiply the number n times
When n is a large factorizable x * y, a ^ n = a ^ (x * y) = (a ^ x) ^ y can be calculated in two steps
For example, 10 ^ 15 = 10 ^ (3 * 5) = (10 ^ 3) ^ 5 = 1000 ^ 5 = 10 ^ 15
Other cases, such as non integer / non negative number, are usually calculated by calculator
If (2.34) ^ 1.25, input 2.34 x ^ y 1.25 to get 2.8941419064359293756760123355942

How to calculate the nth power of a number? For example, the 12th power of 2, Sorry, it's a number to the nth power, for example, to the 5th power of 2

X ^ n = x * x * x *. * x (n x)

How to calculate the nth power of a number? For example, how to calculate the seventh power of five?

Multiply that number n times
The fifth power of 2 is 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
Three times three times four