How to calculate the nth power of a number, such as the eighth power of eight? I want to know the concept

How to calculate the nth power of a number, such as the eighth power of eight? I want to know the concept

The eighth power of 8 * 8 * 8 * 8 * 8 * 8 * 8 * 8 8 8 is 8 8 times 8 times 5, and the 6th power of 5 is 6 times 5. Understand?


To the negative nth power of n = (n to the nth power) 1 / 2

What is the minus third power of 1 / 2

Eight equals eight

How much is the negative 2 power of [1 / 3]

1 / / 3 is the - 1 power of 3 (the 1-th power of 3) and the - 2 power operation of 3 is multiplication. That is to say - 1 * - 2 is positive if negative is 2 ~ which is the second power of 3, so it is 9···············

(1 / 3) negative power - (√ 3-1) + (| 1 / 2-3 / 2 |)

Negative first power of (1 / 3) - (√ 3-1) + (| 1 / 2-3 / 2)
=4 and 1 / 6 - √ 3

The power of 1 and 1 / 2 of 2009 times the power of - 2 / 3 of 2009

1 / 2 ^ 2009 x (- 2 / 3) ^ 2009 = [3 / 2 x (- 2 / 3)] ^ 2009 = (- 1) ^ 2009 = - 1 benefactor, you are an outstanding talent in the Wulin. If you devote yourself to practice, you will become a great weapon

S = 1 + 2's negative first power + 2's negative quadratic power + 2's negative cubic power + +The minus 2010 power of 2 How much is it?

S = 1 + 2's negative first power + 2's negative quadratic power + 2's negative cubic power + +The minus 2010 power of 2
=1+1/2+1/2^2+1/2^3+…… +1/2^2010
Equal ratio sequence with 1 / 2 as common ratio

100 power of 2 times 101 power of negative 1/2



(-1/2)`100 *2`101=1/2`100 *2`100 *2 =2

The 100th power of 3 times the 101 th power of minus one third

(3)100×(_ 1/3)101=(3×-1/3)100×(_ 1/3)