What is the 2010 power of the 2009 power of (-8) multiplied by (-0.125)?

What is the 2010 power of the 2009 power of (-8) multiplied by (-0.125)?

(-8)'S 2009th power (-0.125)'s 2010th power =(-8)'s 2009th power (-0.125)'s 2009th power (-0.125)'s 1st power =(-1)'s 2009th power (-0.125)'s 1st power =-0.125

If |a+1|+(b-2)2=0, find the value of (a+b)2009+a2008.

It means that a+1=0, b-2=0,
Solve a=-1, b=2,
So (a+b)2009+a2008