3 To the 2013 power minus 3 to the 2012 power minus 3 to the 2011 power

3 To the 2013 power minus 3 to the 2012 power minus 3 to the 2011 power

3 To the 2013 power minus 3 to the 2012 power minus 3 to the 2011 power
=2011 Power of 3(9-3-1)
=2011 Power of 5*3

1-2,+3,-4,+5,-6,99,-100,+101, 1-2²+3²-4²+5²-6²+…… +99²-100²+101² Calculation questions Qiudong 1-2 Second power +3 second power-4 second power +5 second power-6 second power 99 second power-100 second power +101 second power 1-2²+3²-4²+5²-6²+…… +99²-100²+101² Calculation questions Qiuyou

Original formula =1+2+3+...+101
Must adopt!

Original formula=1+2+3+...+101
Must adopt!