What is the size relation between n+1 power of n and n power of (n+1)? According to the conclusion, the 2010 power of 2009 is greater than or less than the 2009 power of 2010 Is the size relation between n+1 power of n and n power of (n+1)? According to the conclusion, the 2010 power of 2009 is greater than or less than the 2009 power of 2010

What is the size relation between n+1 power of n and n power of (n+1)? According to the conclusion, the 2010 power of 2009 is greater than or less than the 2009 power of 2010 Is the size relation between n+1 power of n and n power of (n+1)? According to the conclusion, the 2010 power of 2009 is greater than or less than the 2009 power of 2010

If n is a positive integer
Then n =1 and 2
N+1th power of n <(n+1) nth power
N+1 of n >(n+1) of n
Because 2009≥3
So 2010 power of 2009 is greater than 2009 power of 2010

If n is a positive integer
Then n =1 and 2
N+1 power of n <(n+1) n power of n
N+1 of n >(n+1) of n
Because 2009≥3
So 2010 power of 2009 is greater than 2009 power of 2010

Can you compare the size of the two 2009s to the 2009s? What is the magnitude relation between n^n+1 and (n+1)? Such as title

Because n^(n+1)>(n+1)^n (n≥3, and n∈Z), it is proved that if n^(n+1)>(n+1)^n (n≥3, and n∈Z), there is (n^(n+1))/n^(n+1)>1[ n/(n+1)]^n*n >1 when n=3,[3/4]^3=81/64>1, unequal...