The absolute value of the square of (a+3)+b-2=0 Find the value of the bth power of a

The absolute value of the square of (a+3)+b-2=0 Find the value of the bth power of a

Absolute value of square of (a+3)+b-2=0
Add two non-negative numbers =0, each equals 0
So a+3=0 b-2=0
A=-3 b=2
Bth power of a=(-3)^2=9

Absolute value of square of (a+3)+b-2=0
Add two non-negative numbers =0, each equals 0
So a+3=0 b-2=0
A=-3 b=2
Bth power of a =(-3)^2=9

Given the square of (a+1)+ the absolute value of (b-2)+ the square of (1/2+c)=0, find the third power of (-2/3a square of c)

(A+1) square +(b-2) absolute value +(1/2+c) square =0
A+1=0b-2=0 1/2+C=0
A=-1 b=2 c=-1/2
(The square of the square c of -2/3a)