Use a simple method to calculate the cubic power of 2010-2x2010 squared-2008/2010 cubic power +2010 squared-2011

Use a simple method to calculate the cubic power of 2010-2x2010 squared-2008/2010 cubic power +2010 squared-2011

The title 3-2×2010 2-2008)÷(2010 3+2010 2-2011)=[2010 2(2010-2)-2008÷[2010 2(2010+1)-2011]=[2010 2×2008]÷[2010 2×2011-2011]=[2008×(2010& s...

Given the third power of x + the square of x + x +1=0, find the 2010 power of x2009+ x + the 2011 power of x

The third power of x + the square of x + x +1=0,
(X^2+1)=0, meaningless.
(X+1)=0, x=-1
X2009 power + x 2010 power + x 2011 power