The second power of 2012 minus 2 times 2012 times 2013 plus the second power of 2013

The second power of 2012 minus 2 times 2012 times 2013 plus the second power of 2013

The second power of 2012 minus 2 times 2012 times 2013 plus the second power of 2013
This problem uses the formula a^2-2ab + b^2=(a-b)^2
A =2012, b =2013

S=1 to the second power of -2 to the second power of +3 to the second power of.+99 to the second power of -100 to the second power of +101 to the second power, then the remainder of s divided by 103 is

Quadrature of 1-2+3...+99-100+101

Remainder is 5151÷103=50 Remainder1

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