If the rational number a, b satisfies the absolute value of ab+2 plus the absolute value of 1-b is 0, Try to find the value of 1/ab+1/(a+1)(b+1)+1/(a+2)(b+2)+...+1/(a+2008)(b+2008)

If the rational number a, b satisfies the absolute value of ab+2 plus the absolute value of 1-b is 0, Try to find the value of 1/ab+1/(a+1)(b+1)+1/(a+2)(b+2)+...+1/(a+2008)(b+2008)

A=2, b=11/ab+1/(a+1)(b+1)+1/(a+2)(b+2)+...+1/(a+2008)(b+2008)=1/1*2+1/2*3+1/3*4+1/4*5+...+1/2009*2010=1-1/2+1/2-1/3+1/3+1/4+1/4-1/5+...+1/2009-1/2010=1-1/2010=2009/2010

Positive and negative numbers represent the quantity of two ()? Another is: Is a negative number an integer? Positive and negative numbers represent two () quantities? Another is: Is a negative number an integer?

Positive and negative numbers represent two (opposite) quantities
Negative numbers are also integers!