Positive and negative If 28 is 0, then 27 is -1. If 27 is 0, then 28 should be _______.

Positive and negative If 28 is 0, then 27 is -1. If 27 is 0, then 28 should be _______.

1. Since 27 is 1 smaller than 28,28 should be recorded as 1

C language. Find the solution from the keyboard arbitrary input n numbers (with 0 bundle), count the number of positive and negative numbers; and calculate the average of positive and negative numbers.

#Include # define N 100int main (){ int a [N ],i,j,count1,count2;float ave1,ave2;count1= count2= ave1= ave2=0; for (i=0;; i++){ scanf ("% d ",& a [i]); if (0== a [i]) break;} for (j=0; j < i; J++){ if...