The difference between positive and negative numbers

The difference between positive and negative numbers

The biggest difference between a positive number and a negative number is that there is a negative sign in front of the negative number zero is the limit, the right side of zero is the positive number and the left side is the negative number

The biggest difference between a positive number and a negative number is that the negative number is preceded by a negative sign. If zero is the limit, the right side of zero is the positive number and the left side is the negative number

In the same problem, quantities represented by positive and negative numbers have ______ meanings.

Positive and negative numbers are opposite quantities with opposite meanings.
Positive numbers have opposite meanings to quantities represented by negative numbers,
The answer is: the opposite.

Positive and negative numbers are opposite quantities with opposite meanings.
Positive and negative numbers represent quantities with opposite meanings,
The answer is: the opposite.

Positive and negative numbers are opposite quantities with opposite meanings.
Positive and negative numbers represent quantities with opposite meanings.
The answer is: the opposite.