Count the mathematical significance of each day according to the records of the quantity of rice in and out of the grain depot in the table below. One, two, three, four, five. Storage volume (ton)+12-7-8+10-6 (1) Monday is ______ (2) Tuesday is ______ (3) Wednesday is ______ (4) Thursday is ______ (5) Friday is ______. Count out the mathematical significance of recording each day according to the record of the quantity of rice in and out of the grain depot in the table below. One, two, three, four, five. Storage volume (ton)+12-7-8+10-6 (1) Monday is ______ (2) Tuesday is ______ (3) Wednesday is ______ (4) Thursday is ______ (5) Friday is ______.

Count the mathematical significance of each day according to the records of the quantity of rice in and out of the grain depot in the table below. One, two, three, four, five. Storage volume (ton)+12-7-8+10-6 (1) Monday is ______ (2) Tuesday is ______ (3) Wednesday is ______ (4) Thursday is ______ (5) Friday is ______. Count out the mathematical significance of recording each day according to the record of the quantity of rice in and out of the grain depot in the table below. One, two, three, four, five. Storage volume (ton)+12-7-8+10-6 (1) Monday is ______ (2) Tuesday is ______ (3) Wednesday is ______ (4) Thursday is ______ (5) Friday is ______.


2÷4 Whether this simple formula expresses multiple meanings:1. Divide 2 into 4 parts, and take the quantity of one part.2. Find the number of 4 in 2.

1. Divide 2 into 4 points, for example, you have 2 yuan, you want to divide equally among 4 people, then how much does each share? 2÷4=0.5
2. Ask for the number of 4 in 2, for example, you have 20 yuan, and your money is 5 yuan each, then how many do you have? 20÷5=4, So you understand better. Similarly, if you have 2 yuan, and your money is 4 yuan each, then how many? 2÷4=0.5, Which means you only have half a sheet