Let there be three rational numbers which are not equal to each other and can be written as 1, a+b, a or 0, b/a, b. Let there be three rational numbers which are not equal to each other and can be written in the form of 1, a + b, a 0, b/a, b.

Let there be three rational numbers which are not equal to each other and can be written as 1, a+b, a or 0, b/a, b. Let there be three rational numbers which are not equal to each other and can be written in the form of 1, a + b, a 0, b/a, b.

First, one of a+b and a must be 0,
It is impossible to know a from the latter expression =0
So a+b=0, then a=-b, a/b=-1
So in the first representation there should be -1, obviously a =-1,
Then b =1
Three numbers:1,0,-1

When the rational numbers a, b satisfy the following conditions, find the formula |a| A + b Value of |b|. (1) Ab >0; (2) Ab <0. When the rational numbers a, b satisfy the following conditions respectively, find the formula |a| A + b Value of |b|. (1) Ab >0; (2) Ab <0.

(1) Ab >0,
When 1a >0, b >0, the original formula =1+1=2;
2 When a <0 and b <0, the original formula is -1-1=-2;
(2) Ab <0,
If a and b are different, you can set a >0, b <0,
The original formula =1-1=0.

(1) Ab >0,
When 1a >0, b >0, the original formula =1+1=2;
2 When a <0 and b <0, the original formula is -1-1=-2;
(2) Ab <0,
If "a" and "b" are different, a >0 a >0, b <0.
The original formula =1-1=0.

(1) Ab >0,
When 1a >0, b >0, the original formula =1+1=2;
2 When a <0 and b <0, the original formula is -1-1=-2;
(2) Ab <0,
If "a" and "b" are different, you may set a >0, b <0.
The original formula =1-1=0.