If x =-1, what is the power of x + x to the second power + x to the third power + x to the fourth power.

If x =-1, what is the power of x + x to the second power + x to the third power + x to the fourth power.

Let S=x+x to the second power +x to the third power +x to the fourth power.+x to the 2010 power.(1) There is: X*S=x to the second power +x to the third power +x to the fourth power.+x to the 2010 power +x to the 2011 power.(2)(1)-(2) There is:(1-x)*S=x-x to the 2011 power.

(2/3) To the power of 2011*(3/2) to the power of 2012*(-1) to the power of 2013. So as to obtain that result of the above problem,

(2/3) To 2011*(3/2) to 2012*(-1) to 2013
=(2/3) Power of 2011*(3/2) power of 2011×3/2*(-1) power of 2013
=(2/3×3/2) Power of 2011×3/2*(-1) power of 2013