Vector a, vector b is nonzero, if |vector a+vector b|=|vector a-vector b|, then the angle between vector a and vector b is?

Vector a, vector b is nonzero, if |vector a+vector b|=|vector a-vector b|, then the angle between vector a and vector b is?

Simultaneous square of both sides
Get a^2+b^2+2ab=a^2+b^2-2ab
Get ab=0
So ab angle is 90°

Is the zero vector parallel to any vector and perpendicular?

Specify: The zero vector is parallel to any vector. Is the zero vector parallel to any vector or perpendicular to any vector The zero vector is parallel to any vector or perpendicular to any vector

The Formula of Vertical Vector b of Vector a

Normal vector multiplication equals 0

As shown in the figure, the points MN in the parallelogram ABCD are the midpoint of the edge DCBC. Let AB vector=a vector AD vector=b vector find the vector MNBD in the direction Come on, everybody. I want it today. It's urgent! As shown in the figure, the points MN in the parallelogram ABCD are respectively the midpoint of the edge DCBC. Let AB vector=a vector AD vector=b vector find the vector MNBD in the direction Come on, everybody. I want it today. It's urgent! As shown in the figure, the points MN in the parallelogram ABCD are the midpoint of the edge DCBC, respectively Let AB vector=a vector AD vector=b vector find the vector MNBD Come on, please. I want it today. It's urgent!


Given vector A B=5/11 vector a-vector b, vector BC=2 vector a-8 vector b, vector CD=3(vector a-vector b), prove: A, B, C point collinear Verification: A, B and C are collinear

Is it proof that A, B and D are collinear?
Vector BD=BC+CD=2a-8b+3a-3b=5a-11b=11(5/11a-b)
So vector BD=11 vector AB.
I. e. vector BD//vector AB with common point B
So, A, B, D are collinear.

P={ a|a=(-1,1)+m (1,2), m∈R}, Q={ b|b=(1,-2)+n (2,3), n∈R} are two vector sets, then what is the intersection of P and Q?

A =(m-1,2m+1)= b =(2n+1,3n-2)
So m-1=2n+1
Get m=-12, n=-7 and substitute a=(-13,-23)

A =(m-1,2m+1)= b =(2n+1,3n-2)
So m-1=2n+1
Get m=-12, n=-7 Substitute a=(-13,-23)