Why is the direction vector of the distance from the midpoint of the space vector to the line?

Why is the direction vector of the distance from the midpoint of the space vector to the line?

The distance from point M to the straight line, take any point O on the straight line, connect OM, and then perpendicular to the straight line through M, perpendicular to H
Clearly, the distance is |MH|, and his square is equal to the square of OM minus the square of OH, and the length of OH is equal to the length of the projection of OM and the unit direction vector, so we get the above formula

Distance from point M to the straight line, take any point O on the straight line, connect OM, and then make perpendicular to the straight line through M, perpendicular to H
Clearly, the distance is |MH|, whose square is equal to the square of OM minus the square of OH, and the length of OH is equal to the length of the projection of OM and the unit direction vector, so the above formula is obtained

The Derivation of the Distance from Point to Line in Plane by Using Vector Method

In the plane, use the vector method to prove the derivation of the distance formula from the point to the straight line. There is a document in your hand. Take a screenshot to you:

What is the distance formula of point surface in solid geometry?

Distance from point to point: under root ((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2)
Distance from point to face:
Set face as AX+BY+CZ+D=0
The distance from point (X0, Y0, Z0) to face is
D=\AX0+BY0+CZ0+D\/root number (A^2+B^2+C^2)

How to find the distance between any two vectors in space

D = root ((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2)

All Formulas and Conditions of Using Space Vector to Find Angle and Distance in High School Mathematics

You first master the vector angle method.
The angle of a straight line:1. Find the direction vector a, b of the two straight lines;2. Find the angle of the two vectors;3. Find the angle q.cosq=|cos| of the straight line.
The angle formed by a straight line and a plane:1. The direction vector of a straight line and the normal vector of a plane;2. Find the angle between the two vectors;3. Convert it into the angle between a straight line and a plane q.sinq=|cos|
The angle formed by the plane and the plane:1. The normal vector of the two planes;2. Find the angle between the two vectors;3. Convert it into the angle a between the plane and the plane.
Distance from point A to plane BCD and:1. Normal vector of plane m and AB;2. d=|AB*m|/|m|

What is the formula for the distance between two points?

A (x, y) B (x', y') vector AB is equal to the square root of the square plus (y'-y) of (x'-x).