Why isn't the necessary and sufficient condition for two vectors to be parallel a. b=|a b|? A, b are non-zero vectors. Please give an example, Why isn't the necessary and sufficient condition for two vectors to be parallel a·b=|a b|? A, b are non-zero vectors.

Why isn't the necessary and sufficient condition for two vectors to be parallel a. b=|a b|? A, b are non-zero vectors. Please give an example, Why isn't the necessary and sufficient condition for two vectors to be parallel a·b=|a b|? A, b are non-zero vectors.

Angle of a and b =0° or 180°,
=0°, A, b are in the same direction, cos0°=1, then a·b=|a b|cos=|a b|
=180°, A, b reverse, cos180°=-1, where a·b=|a b|cos=-|a b|.

I'm dying! Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Vector a⊥b The necessary and sufficient condition of vector a‖b (b=0) is x1y2-x2y1=0 What about the vector a⊥b? Also, how to judge whether it can be used as a base? A.e1=(0,0) e2=(-2,1) B.e1=(4,6) e2=(6,9) C.e1=(2,-3) e2=(1/2,-3/4) D.e1=(2,-5) e2=(-6,4)


Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Vector A* Vector B What is it? The one with the coordinates of A and B. If it isn't a necessary and sufficient condition --|, then the vector A* vector B equals the expression in AB coordinates. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Vector A* Vector B What is it? The one with the coordinates of A and B. If it is not a necessary and sufficient condition --|, then the vector A* vector B is equal to the expression in AB coordinates.


Is "|vector a*vector b|=|vector a vector b|" a sufficient and necessary condition for "vector a parallel vector b "? "|Vector a*Vector b|=|Vector a||Vector b|" Is the Necessary and Sufficient Condition of "Vector a Parallel Vector b "? Yes or no. Explain why. Is "|vector a*vector b|=|vector a vector b|" a sufficient and necessary condition for "vector a parallel vector b "? Is |vector a* vector b|=|vector a*|vector b|" Is "vector a parallel vector b" Necessary and Sufficient Condition? Yes or no. Explain why.


The necessary and sufficient conditions for the two vectors a, b to be parallel to each other are


The two vectors a, b are perpendicular if and only if a*b=0,