The orthophoto of vector a=(2,3) on vector b=(3,4) is Note, not quantity. The answer is (-18/25,24/25). Sorry's wrong. The orthographic projection of vector a=(2,3) on vector b=(3,4) is Note, not quantity. The answer is (-18/25,24/25). Sorry's wrong.

The orthophoto of vector a=(2,3) on vector b=(3,4) is Note, not quantity. The answer is (-18/25,24/25). Sorry's wrong. The orthographic projection of vector a=(2,3) on vector b=(3,4) is Note, not quantity. The answer is (-18/25,24/25). Sorry's wrong.


A =(4,3), b =(-2,6), what is the orthographic number of vector b on vector a?


Vector a=(4,2), b=(1,-1), then the projective length of b on a is


If vector a=(1,2) vector b=(2,0), then the projection of vector a in vector b is If vector a=(1,2) vector b=(2,0), then the projection of vector a in the direction of vector b is

The projection of vector b in direction a is |b|cos < a, b >, and the projection of vector a in direction b is |a|cos < a, b >. By calculation,|a|= root 5, cos < a, b >=5th part root 5, and the multiplication result is 1.
The projection of vector a in vector b is 1

The projection of vector b in direction a is |b|cos < a, b >, and the projection of vector a in direction b is |a|cos < a, b >. By calculation,|a|= root 5, cos < a, b >=5 parts root 5, and the multiplication result is 1.
The projection of vector a in vector b is 1

Let vector a=(1,-2,2), b=(-3, x,4) be the projective of a on b, then x =____ Let vector a=(1,-2,2), b=(-3, x,4) have a projective on b as 1, then x =____

Let a angle between a and b is y, then the projective of a on b is:|a|cosy. And cosy=a.b/|a||b|. So the projective of a on b is: a.b/|b|=(-3-2x+8)/(x^2+25)^(1/2)=1. That is:(5-2x)=(x^2+25)^(1/2). The square of both sides is:25+4x^2-20x=x^2+25. That is:3x^2-20x=0. Solve: x=0....

Given that two points a (4,1) b (7,-3) are inverse to the unit vector of vector ab