Can you compare the sizes of two vectors in the same direction?

Can you compare the sizes of two vectors in the same direction?

It could not be compared, regardless of his direction.
They could only compare mold lengths.
Just like when comparing strength, it had to see its effect.

It is not comparable in itself, regardless of his direction.
Only die lengths can be compared.
It's like comparing forces to see how effective it is.

Given that e is a unit vector, the angle between a and e is 120 degrees, and the projection of a in the e direction is -2, then │a│= what

The projection of a in the direction of e is -2, i.e. a·e=-2.
A·e=|a e cosα,α is the angle between a and e
Yes-2=|a 1·cos120°
| A |=4

Known| A|=8, E is the unit vector when the angle between them is π 3 O'clock, A In The projection in direction e is () A.4 3 B.4 C.4 2 D.8+2 3 Known| A|=8, E is the unit vector when the angle between them is π At 3 o'clock, A In The projection in direction e is () A.4 3 B.4 C.4 2 D.8+2 3

From the geometric meaning of the product of two vectors:

A In

The projection in direction e is:


E =|


Therefore, select B

From the geometric meaning of the product of two vectors:

A In

The projection in direction e is:


E =|


Reason selection B

Given that vector e is a unit vector, vector a is multiplied by vector e=-2, and the included angle between vector a and vector e is two-thirds pi, then the projection of vector a on vector e is

The projection of vector a on vector e is vector a• vector e/|vector e|=vector a• vector e=-2
(Other conditions are useless)

Known| A|=8, E is the unit vector when the angle between them is π 3 O'clock, A In The projection in direction e is () A.4 3 B.4 C.4 2 D.8+2 3 Known| A|=8, E is the unit vector when the angle between them is π At 3 o'clock, A In The projection in direction e is () A.4 3 B.4 C.4 2 D.8+2 3

From the geometric meaning of the product of two vectors:

A In

The projection in direction e is:


E =|


Therefore, select B

From the geometric meaning of the product of two vectors:

A In

The projection in direction e is:


E =|


Reason selection B

Given |a|= root 3, the angle between a and the unit vector e is 180°, then the projection of a in the direction e is

A projection in direction e is -√3
The answer is as follows:
In the number product ab=|a||b|cosθ,|a|cosθ is the projection of a in the b direction
Therefore, the projection of a in the e direction is

A Projection in direction e is -√3
The answer is as follows:
In the number product ab=|a||b|cosθ,|a|cosθ is the projection of a in the b direction
Therefore, the projection of a in the e direction is