A (2,1,-3) B (1,-2,4) is known as the unit vector in the same direction as vector AB

A (2,1,-3) B (1,-2,4) is known as the unit vector in the same direction as vector AB

Analysis: If the vector AB=(1,-2,4)-(2,1,-3)=(-1,-3,7), then the module |AB|=root number (1+9+49)=root number 59, the unit vector which is collinear with the vector AB is the vector a, then: vector a=vector AB/|AB|=(-(root number 59)/59,-3(root number 59)/59,7(root number 59)/59) or vector a=-vector AB/|...

Given vector a=(1,-1), b=(2,4), find the unit vector e perpendicular to 2a+b

Vector a=(1,-1), b=(2,4)
Then 2a+b=(2,-2)+(2,4)=(4,2)
Let e=(x, y) be the unit vector perpendicular to 2a+b
Then {4x+2y=0
5X^2=1, x^2=1/5, y^2=4/5
X=-√5/5, y=2√5/5
Or x=√5/5, y=-2√5/5
E=(-√5/5,2√/5) or e=(√5/5,-2√5/5)

Given vector a=(1,0) b=(1,1), then: find the coordinates of the unit vector in the same direction as 2a+b; What does the unit vector in the same direction mean, and how does the answer come about Given the vector a=(1,0) b=(1,1), then: find the coordinates of the unit vector in the same direction as 2a+b; What does the unit vector in the same direction mean, and how is the answer sought

The unit vector in the same direction is the vector with the same direction as vector 2a+b and the module length of 1
It means:
Because a =(1,0) b =(1,1)
Then 2a+b=(3,1)
By 1 x: y=3:1
2 X2+ y2=1
Solution x=3√10/10 y=√10/10
Therefore, the coordinate of the unit vector in the same direction of 2a+b is (3√10/10,√10/10)
If you understand and solve your problem,

Given that the vectors a.b are all unit vectors, and ab=1/2, the value of |2a-b| is?

A.b is the unit vector

If A =(2,3), B=(-4,7), then A In The projection in direction b is () A. 3 B. 13 5 C. 65 5 D. 65


A In

The projection in direction b is a•b
|B |=2×(−4)+3×7


Therefore, C

If a vector start point A (-2,4), end point B (2,1) find the unit vector coordinate parallel to a vector Vector a=(4,-3),|a|=√4^2+(-3)^2=5a0=±a/|a|=(0.8,-0.6) or (-0.8,0.6), why? If a vector start point A (-2,4) and end point B (2,1) find the unit vector coordinate parallel to a vector Vector a=(4,-3),|a|=√4^2+(-3)^2=5a0=±a/|a|=(0.8,-0.6) or (-0.8,0.6), why?

The unit vector e=a/|a|,(both e and a are vectors)
Vector AB=(4,-3)
Its modulus |AB |=5
So its unit vector e=(4/5,-3/5)

The unit vector e=a/|a|,(e and a are both vectors)
Vector AB=(4,-3)
Its modulus |AB |=5
So its unit vector e=(4/5,-3/5)