What is the number of e in mathematics? How did you figure it out?

What is the number of e in mathematics? How did you figure it out?


It is known that there are 60 yuan and 100 yuan ticket prices for the art performance of Hope Project in Guangming Theater. A certain group needs to buy 140 pieces, of which the ticket price of 100 yuan is not less than twice the ticket price of 60 yuan, so the two kinds of tickets need at least ______ yuan. It is known that there are 60 yuan and 100 yuan ticket prices for the art performance of Hope Project in Guangming Theater. A group needs to buy 140 tickets, of which the ticket price of 100 yuan is not less than twice the ticket price of 60 yuan, so it needs at least ______ yuan to buy these two kinds of tickets.

X tickets for a ticket price of $60 and y tickets for a ticket price of $100,
X+y =140
Available: x≤462
According to the meaning, x and y are positive integers, so x=46, y=94,
Therefore, at least 60×46+100×94=12160 is required to purchase these two kinds of tickets.
Therefore, the answer is:12160.

How to calculate the number of √ in mathematics?


Each Chinese character represents a number.+ I love mathematics =2010, what is the number of four words + =2010

I love math =1470

Using the following numbers, by any one or more of +,-,×,÷, the result is 24 Each number must be used only once. (1)1,3,6,8 (2)2,4,7,8 (3)1,5,5,5


How can you not make mistakes in math? The third choice in yesterday's math test was to lose five points because of a sign error How to avoid this low - level mistake.

To calculate carefully, seriously treat calculation! In fact, the calculation of mathematics is more important than the idea of doing exercises! You'll do it, but you' re wrong, not a point, not even thinking!