Do all vectors follow the parallelogram rule? Does the non-collinear force follow the parallelogram rule?

Do all vectors follow the parallelogram rule? Does the non-collinear force follow the parallelogram rule?

Follow everything else

Follow everything else

When the initial and final momentum are not on the same line, how to find the vector difference by parallelogram rule? How to find the vector difference by parallelogram rule when the initial and final momentum are not on the same line?

Same algorithm as vector

In a parallelogram rule experiment, which force is the theoretical value and which force is the experimental value? One is measured directly by a spring and the other is based on a parallelogram.

The experimental value is measured directly by spring, and the theoretical value is based on parallelogram.

The main steps of verifying parallelogram rule experiment of force Please write 1,2,3,... steps.

The one upstairs is too professional. I'm afraid it's not what you want.1. Fix one end of the rubber strip at point A on the board.2. Tie two thin ropes to the other end of the rubber strip. Pull the rubber strip at an angle with two spring scales through the thin ropes. Stretch the rubber strip to point O (as shown in the figure).

When conducting the experiment of "verifying the parallelogram rule of force ", In the experiment of "verifying the parallelogram rule of force ",

(1) Fix a piece of white paper on the horizontally placed wooden board.(2) Fix one end of the rubber strip at point A of the wooden board, and connect the other end with two rope sleeves.(3) Pull the rubber strip to a certain point O with two spring dynamometers at an angle through the rope sleeves, and record the position of point O.(4) At this time,...

The omission of a student in the experiment of verifying the parallelogram rule of force In the experiment of verifying the parallelogram rule of force, the main steps are as follows: A Place a square board on the table, lay a piece of white paper on the square board, and nail the white paper on the square board with a drawing nail; B Fix one end of the rubber strip on point A of the board with a drawing pin, and fasten two thin ropes on the other end of the rubber strip, and the other end of the thin rope is tied with a rope sleeve; C. Hook the rope sleeve with two spring dynamometers respectively, pull the rubber strip at an angle to make the rubber strip extend, and the node reaches a certain position O. Record the position of point O, and read the indication of two spring dynamometers; D According to the selected scale, use a pencil and a scale to draw the drawing of the tension force F1 and F2 of two spring dynamometers, and use the parallelogram rule to find the resultant force F; E. Use only one spring dynamometer, pull the rubber strip through the rope sleeve to make it extend, read the indication of the spring dynamometer, record the direction of the rope, and draw the diagram of this force F' according to the same scale; F Compare the size and direction of F' and F to see if they are the same. In the above steps: (1) The serial numbers with important omissions are () and () (2) The missing contents are () and () respectively.

C Record the direction of the spring dynamometer (two ropes)
E Extend to point O