Rational set: irrational set: positive real set: real set: As follows:-11, root 5,3, root 9/11,0,2/3, root 196,-π,0.4, root 2/3

Rational set: irrational set: positive real set: real set: As follows:-11, root 5,3, root 9/11,0,2/3, root 196,-π,0.4, root 2/3

Rational number:-11,3,0,2/3, root 196(14),0.4
Irrational number: root number 5, root number 9/11,-π, root number 2/3
Positive real numbers: all but 0,-11,-π are
Real: All are
Real numbers include rational numbers and irrational numbers, where irrational numbers are infinite non-recurring decimals and rational numbers include integers and fractions

Rational:-11,3,0,2/3, root 196(14),0.4
Irrational number: root number 5, root number 9/11,-π, root number 2/3
Positive real numbers: all but 0,-11,-π are
Real number: all are
Real numbers include rational numbers and irrational numbers, where irrational numbers are infinite non-recurring decimals and rational numbers include integers and fractions

Classified rational number of real number {real number {irrational number}

Real: Rational: Integer: positive,0, negative
Scores: positive, negative
Irrational number: positive irrational number, negative irrational number

ON THE UNDERSTANDING PROBLEM OF LOCAL NORMALITY OF FUNCTION LIMIT Taking A/2 in the definition proof only means that a number is found in the domain to make f (x)>0, that is, there is f (x)>0 in the domain. It can not be proved that f (x) is always greater than 0 in the domain. If it's not Heng greater or Heng less, how can we keep it? And when A =0, there's no guarantee? ON THE UNDERSTANDING PROBLEM OF LOCAL NORMALITY OF FUNCTION LIMIT A/2 in the definition proof only means that a number is found in the domain to make f (x)>0, that is, there is f (x)>0 in the domain. If it's not bigger and smaller, how can it be guaranteed? And when A =0, there's no guarantee? ON THE UNDERSTANDING PROBLEM OF LOCAL SIGNAL PROTECTION OF FUNCTIONAL LIMIT Taking A/2 in the definition proof only means that a number is found in the domain to make f (x)>0, that is, there is f (x)>0 in the domain. If it's not Heng greater or Heng less, how can it be guaranteed? And when A =0, there's no guarantee?

It's not like that.
See proof of insurability first:
First there is the function f (x) at x→x0(note: x0 can be a concrete number or infinite), there is a limit A >0(A0, there is δ>0, so that |x-x0|

It's not like that.
First see the proof of warranty:
First, when the function f (x) is x→x0(note: x0 can be a concrete number or infinite), there is a limit A >0(A0, there is δ>0, so that |x-x0|

Understanding of Limit Warranty I don't know what's going on, Understanding of Limit Protection He really didn't know what was going on,

Did you get it right?
Guaranteed, that is:
If x→a, f (x)→A,
If A >0
Then in some neighborhood N (a) of a, in this neighborhood f (x)>0,
This neighborhood can be very small, but it must exist
It can also be understood that you can find a point x1 near a so that f (x1)>0
When A <0, follow the above description.

Understanding and Understanding of Limit Algorithm It needs to be recognized and understood in words.


Limit Warranty Understanding? Why is it so important? Given the function limit A >0, any ε>0, there exists δ>0, so that |x-x0|<δ, has |f (x)-A |<ε Because ε is arbitrary,ε0=A/2 is taken Then δ>0, so that |x-x0|<δ, has |f (x)-A|<ε0=A/2 I.e. f (x)> A/2>0 What is the final decision for this f (x)> A/2? Must it be f (x)> A/2? Why do I only get 2A/3> f (x)>-A/2 when I go absolute?

I can only say that you are wrong

I can only say you're wrong.