How's my math, okay? I was in Rainbow Middle School, September 2014. We formally took the math test 13 times, each time the full score is 120 points, my grades are (unit: points):114,112,116,117,113,117,120,120,108,109,120,120,115. The average grade is usually 80.

How's my math, okay? I was in Rainbow Middle School, September 2014. We formally took the math test 13 times, each time the full score is 120 points, my grades are (unit: points):114,112,116,117,113,117,120,120,108,109,120,120,115. The average grade is usually 80.


1.(2X-3)(X+5) 2.(2X+3y)(x-y)


Please help me with a set of figures. If A is invested every day,1% of fixed income every day, this 1% of income is invested in A again, continue 1% of income the next day, which means rolling down, how many times of initial fund A after one year? Or, for example, how much of a profit would you make a year later with an initial capital of $100,000? How much after three years? What should be the formula for this question?


1-33 Natural number, with +-*/ operation, equal to 142857

If it's, it's a big job, a long line!
It's easier to figure out the first form, you just have to find a few numbers to divide,
A remainder subtracts more than so that it can divide into integers,
The final solution to the remaining number is simple!

If it's, it's a big job, it's a long line!
It's easier to figure out the first one, you just have to find a few numbers to divide,
A remainder subtracts more than so that it can divide into integers,
It's easy to solve the remaining numbers!

65X10.1=65x10+65x0.1 Applied Yes ()

65X10.1=65x (10+0.1)
Using the distribution law of multiplication and addition!


=(1-2)+(3-4)+(5-6)+…… +(2009-2010)
=(-1)+(-1)+(-1)+…… +(-1)