A Simple Mathematical Calculation 20/9/8/11/9/2X11/8

A Simple Mathematical Calculation 20/9/8/11/9/2X11/8

=(20 Of 9 to 2 of 9) x 8 of 11

A math problem, who knew? In order to estimate how many fish there were in the fish pond, we took 100 fish from the fish pond and put them back into the fish pond. After the marked fish were completely mixed with the fish, we caught 200 sample fish for the second time, including 25 marked fish. We estimated that there were _________ fish in the fish pond A math statistic, who can? In order to estimate the number of fish in the pond, we took 100 fish from the pond and marked them, then put them back into the pond. After the marked fish were completely mixed with the fish, we caught 200 fish for the second sample, including 25 marked fish. We estimated that there were _________ fish in the pond

25 Of the 200 are marked, a total of 100 are marked, so there are about 100/25*200=800 fish in the pond

Mathematical simple calculation 1 track (8/5-4/1)÷(5/4-2/1)

(5 To 1 in 8)÷(4 to 1 in 5)
=3 Of 8÷3 of 10
=3 Of 8 x 10 of 3
=10 Of 8

=3 Of 8÷3 of 10
=3 Of 8 x 10 of 3
=10 Of 8

Maths. One calculation. (-3/2/3)+(-2.4)-(-3/1)-(-4/5/2) Process complete


What's the date? For example, from August 5th to July 25th, I suppose there are 30 days in July, so from July 25th to August 5th, it should be 5+5=10 days. What does the 10 days mean? Does it include August 5th? It feels a little messy,

This depends on the way you calculate. Generally we calculate this, today to tomorrow to calculate a day, because we default is today 12 noon to tomorrow 12 noon time interval, so is a day.
First of all, July has 31 days (simple memory: clenched fist, turned over, counted from left to right, the corresponding month of the raised bone has 31 days, the concave between the two is 30 days. So count to July, and then start from the beginning, August is also 31 days, and so on). Then, we add the five days of August after July 31, become July 32 33...36. Finally, subtract 25 from 36. The alternate month can also be easily calculated. Subtract the start date from the end of the month and add the number of other months. Don't handle it. For example, there are 31-25+30+31+11=78 days from July 25 to October 11.
If you're counting pure days, just as mobile companies count less than a minute as a minute, add 1.

It is known that July 1,2009 is Wednesday, so what is August 8,2008? How is it calculated, please? And how should such questions be considered?

Wednesday,1 July 2009, then Tuesday,1 July 2008
Because 365/7 is 1.
31+7=38 Days from 1 July to 8 August 2008
38/7=5 Plus 3, so August 8,2008 is Friday.