The two right sides of a right triangle are 6m and 8m respectively. The area of this right triangle is______ Square meters

The two right sides of a right triangle are 6m and 8m respectively. The area of this right triangle is______ Square meters

A: the area of this right triangle is 24 square meters
So the answer is: 24

The area of a right triangle is 126 square centimeters, one of which is 14 centimeters long. If you draw a circle with the other side as the diameter, what is the area of this circle?

The area of a right triangle is half the product of two right angles
Let another right angle side be x, then 14 * x / 2 = 126, and x = 18
The area of the circle is π R 2
If we take another right angle side as the diameter, i.e. r = 2R = 18, r = 9
The area of the circle is (π = 3.14) 3.14 * 9? 2 = 254.34 square centimeter

The area of a right triangle is 126. Find another right angle side if the right angle side is 18


The area of a right triangle is 12 square centimeters, and one right angle side is 4 cm long. Draw a circle with the diameter of the other right angle side. What is the area of the circle?

The area of a right triangle is half of the product of two right sides, so the other right angle side is 12 × 2 / 4 = 6 cm
So the radius of the circle is 3 cm, so the area is 3 × 3 × 3.14 = 28.26 cm 2

The area of a right triangle is 126 square centimetres, one right angle side is 14 cm, and what is the other right angle side

126 * 2 △ 14 = 4.5 (CM)

Given that the area of a right triangle is 450 square meters, and one right angle side is 125 meters, find another right angle side?

The area of a triangle is the product of two right angles divided by two,
So the other corner is equal to 450 × 2 △ 125 = 7.2m

A right triangle vegetable field, one right angle side is 125 meters, the other right angle side is 100 meters, how many square meters is the area?


A right triangle with an area of 300 square meters. One right angle side is 20 meters, and the other right angle side is______ Rice

=30 (m)
A: the other right angle side is 30 meters long
So the answer is: 30

How many centimeters is the length of the other right angle side of a right triangle of 12 cm in length and 72 cm in area?

72 times 2 divided by 12
12 cm

The sum of the two right sides of a right triangle is 15, and the length of the hypotenuse is 12. Find the area of the triangle Can we do it without Pythagorean theorem

The first floor is not right, but the answer is right. 3:4:5 is only one kind of theorem, and there are 5:12:13 and so on. Besides, 6:9:12 is not equal to 3:4:5. It is Pythagorean theorem that the sum of squares of two right sides is equal to the square of hypotenuse. If one right angle side is x, then the other right angle side is 15-x, x ^ 2 + (15-x) ^ 2 = 12 ^ 2, and the solution equation x = 6, and the other side is 9 ≠ s = 27