Calculate 3 / 3 root sign 6 × root 2

Calculate 3 / 3 root sign 6 × root 2

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Simplify: (a-b) divided by (root a-radical b),

: (a-b) divided by (root a-radical b)
=(root a + root b) (root a-radical b) / (root a-root b)
=Radical a + radical B

Simplify a + B divided by radical a + radical B Why can't we multiply A-B by A-B and divide by a + B

I'll take this instead of the radical
Because (√ a + √ b) (√ a - √ b) ≠ a + B, you calculate it is = a-b
Do you remember the formula a? - B? = (a + b) (a-b)? I really don't remember. You can take it and try it
So it should be
The answer to the original question is = (√ a + √ b) (√ a - √ b) (a + b) (√ a - √ b)
=A-B (a + b) (√ a - √ b)
Go ahead and you'll be able to simplify the multiplication on the semicolon
Ah, I'm so tired that I don't know if you understand it or not

M is the integer part of Radix 19, and N is the decimal part of Radix 19. How much is N-M?


Let the integer part of Radix 17 be m, and the fractional part be n, then we can get the value of 3m-2n

The integer part of √ 17 is 4
That is, M = 4, n = √ 17-4

Given that the integral part of √ (21) - 2 is m and the fractional part is n, find 3M + 2n


Given that M is the integer part of root 13 and N is the decimal part of root 13, find the value of m ^ 2-N ^ 2

M is the integer part of root 13 and N is the decimal part of root 13
Then m ^ 2-N ^ 2 = (M + n) (m-n)

When m

M0, then n

It is known that the decimal parts of 9 + radical 10 and 9-radical 10 are m and N respectively. Find mn-3m + 4n-7


If the decimal part of 7 Radix 17 and 7 Radix 17 are Mn respectively, find the value of 3M + 2n + 2

7 + Radix 17 decimal part = M = 7 + Radix 17-11 = - 4 + √ 17
7-radical 17 decimal part = n = 7-radical 17-11 = - 4 - √ 17
The value of 3M + 2n + 2