Root 18 plus root 98 minus root 27

Root 18 plus root 98 minus root 27

10 root number 2 minus 3 root number 3

How much is Radix 18 reduced

Root 18 = 2 * 9 = 2 * 3 * 3 = 3 times root 2

How much is the root 2 equal to 27-3 times the root sign

It should be

What's 75 / 27 under the radical


What is root 75 equal to? Please tell me how to calculate. I won't open the root

The square of 75 = 25 * 3, 25 = 5 under the root sign, so the result of the root number 5 is equal to 5 times the root sign 3

27 under the radical is equal to? Is 28.8 equal to? Three times the root sign 750 equals? Is 8000 equal to 3 times the root sign? emergency


Root 18 minus root 72 plus root 50 equals?


What is root 72 equal to Help me figure it out,

6 times root 2

What's the number 8 divided by 72 plus 3 times 3 minus 75 equals to 8 divided by 7

It's like 1 / 6 minus 2 times the root 3

How much is root 81-9? Write a detailed process for me, thank you!

① What you said 9 is in the root: root (81-9) = root 72 = 6 √ 2 ≈ 8.48528
② What you said 9 is outside the root: root (81) - 9 = 9-9 = 0