It is known that the function f (x) is an even function defined on the interval [- 2,2]. When x ∈ [0,2], f (x) is a decreasing function. If the inequality f (1-m) < f (m) holds, then the value range of real number m is () A. [−1,1 2) B. [1,2] C. [0,1 2) D. (−1,1 2)

It is known that the function f (x) is an even function defined on the interval [- 2,2]. When x ∈ [0,2], f (x) is a decreasing function. If the inequality f (1-m) < f (m) holds, then the value range of real number m is () A. [−1,1 2) B. [1,2] C. [0,1 2) D. (−1,1 2)

Even function f (x) is a decreasing function on [0,2],
It is an increasing function on (- 2, 0). It can be concluded that the smaller the absolute value of the independent variable is, the larger the function value is
The inequality f (1-m) < f (m) can be changed into
M ∈ [- 1,1) is obtained
Therefore, a

Given that f (x) is an even function defined on R, if G (x) passes through point (1,3) and FG (x) = f (x-1), then f (2007) + F (2008) Is f (x-1) = g (x) = f (- x-1) f (x) not even? Why can't it change like this on the left

If f (x) is an even function defined on R, then f (x) = f (- x), so f (x-1) = f (- x + 1);
If f (x-1) is an even function on R, then f (x-1) = f (- x-1), which is different from the above

Let f (x) and G (x) be defined by X ∈ R and X ≠± 1, f (x) be even function, G (x) be odd function, and f (x) + G (x) = 1 Find the analytic expressions of F (x) and G (x)

∵ f (x) is an even function, G (x) is an odd function, ᙽ f (- x) = f (x), and G (- x) = - G (x) is obtained by F (x) + G (x) = 1 x − 1, that is, f (− x) + G (− x) = 1 − x − 1

It is known that f (x) is an even function and G (x) is an odd function. Their definition domain is {x ∈ R and X ≠ ± 1}. If f (x) + G (x) = 1 / (x-1), then f (x) =? G (x) =? G (x) =?

From the above two formulas, we can find f (x), G (x)

Given that f (x) is an even function on R, G (x) is an odd function on R, and G (x) = f (x-1), and G (- 1) = 2, then f (2008) =? 2?

f(2008)=f(2004) =.=f(0)=f(1-1)=g(1)=-g(1-)=-2

Given that f (x-1) is odd function, f (x + 1) is even function, f (2008) = 1, then f (4)=______ .

∵ f (x-1) is an odd function and f (x + 1) is an even function
﹤ f (- x-1) = - f (x-1), f (- x + 1) = f (x + 1) is always true
In F (- x-1) = - f (x-1), if t = X-1, then x = t + 1, so there is f (- T-2) = - f (T) ①
In F (- x + 1) = f (x + 1), if t = x + 1, then x = T-1, so there is f (T) = f (- t + 2) ②
From (1) and (2) - f (- T-2) = f (- t + 2) 3,
If M = - t + 2, then t = - M + 2, then f (m) = - f (M-4) = f (M-8) can be obtained by substituting (3), so that the period of the function is 8
2008 = 251 × 8
Therefore, f (2008) = f (0) = 1
F (4) = - f (0) = - 1
So the answer is - 1

If the odd function f (x) defined on R satisfies f (x + 1) + F (x-3) = 0, then f (2008)=

Odd function f (x) defined on R

Given that the function f (x) defined on R is odd, and the period of function f (3x + 1) is 3 and f (1) = 5, then the value of F (2007) + F (2008) is () A. 0 B. 5 C. 2 D. -5

∵ the period of the function f (3x + 1) is 3,  f [3 (x + 3) + 1] = f (3x + 1), that is, f [(3x + 1) + 9] = f (3x + 1), f (x) is a function with period 9; and f (x) is an odd function on R,

Given that f (x) is an even function defined on R, if the odd function g (x) defined on R passes through the point (- 1,3) and G (x) = f (x-1), then f (2009) + F (2010)=______ .

∵ the function f (x) is an even function defined on R, so f (- x) = f (x), the odd function g (x) defined on R, and G (x) = f (x-1), so there is f (x-1) = - f (- x-1) = - f (x + 1) = f (x + 3), so t = 4, the odd function g (x) defined on R passes through the point (- 1,3), ∵ g (- 1) = 3, G (...)

It is known that the function f (x) whose domain is R is a decreasing function on (2010, + ∞) and the function y = f (x + 2010) is even function f(2008)>f(2009) f(2008)>f(2011) f(2009)>f(2011) f(2009)>f(2012)

If (- 2010, + ∞) is a minus function, or y = f (x-2010) is an even function