We know that X and y are opposite numbers in the solution of {2x-y = 4m + 3 2y-x = - 3, and find the value of M

We know that X and y are opposite numbers in the solution of {2x-y = 4m + 3 2y-x = - 3, and find the value of M

X and y are opposite numbers to each other
So 2x + x = 4m + 3
So - 3x = 3
Then 2x + x = - 3 = 4m + 3

Known equations 2x−y=4m+3 The solution X and y of 2Y − x = − 3 are opposite numbers to each other, and the value of M is calculated

From the meaning of the title
x+y=0 ,
(1) + 2
x=1 ,
By substituting (1), M = 0

It is known that the solutions of the system of bivariate first-order equations {x + 2Y = 6m + 3,2x-y = 2m + 1} on X and y are opposite to each other, and the value of M is calculated

x+2y=6m+3 ①
2x-y=2m+1 ②
It is known from the problem that the solutions of the equations are opposite to each other
Then, x + y = 0
Substituting into ①, we get
By substituting the value of Y into (2), the
X = 4m + 2
X = 4m + 2, y = 6m + 3
Substituting x + y = 0, we get
M = - 1 / 2
So, the value of M is - 1 / 2

The solution X and y of the system of bivariate linear equations 3x + 2Y = m + 3, 2x-y = 2m-1 are opposite numbers to each other, and the value of M is calculated

Because the solutions of the system of bivariate first-order equations about X and y are opposite to each other
So x = - Y
Substituting into equations
-Y = m + 3 is equivalent to 3Y = - 3m-9
M = - 10 come on

On the binary system of first order equations of X, y, 3x + 2Y = m + 3,2x-y = 2m-1, the solutions are opposite to each other, and the value of M is calculated

Because the solutions of the system of bivariate first-order equations about X and y are opposite to each other
So x = - Y
Substituting into equations
-Y = m + 3 is equivalent to 3Y = - 3m-9
M = - 10 come on

If the solutions of the system of bivariate linear equations 3x + 2Y = m + 3 (1) 2x-y = 2m-1 (2) are opposite to each other, find the value of M You say y = - x, can that be seen as x = - y

Because the two solutions of the system of equations are opposite to each other, we know that y = - X
There's nothing to say about this step. It's based on what's known
Replace it into the original equation system and change it into:
(the idea of this step is very direct)
③ The results show that: 3x-3x = 3M + 9 - (2m-1),
(the idea of this step is: see that the coefficient of unknown number x in equation ④ is three times that of unknown number x in equation ③, so add subtract elimination method is used.)
That is: 0 = m + 10
Conclusion: M = - 10

It is known that the solution of the system of bivariate linear equations 2x + y = 6m (1) 3x-2y = 2m (2) satisfies the bivariate equation x / 3-y / 5 = 4

Use ① × 2 + ②
have to
7x =14m
So x = 2m
Then use ① × 3 - ② × 2
have to
(6x+3y)-(6x -4y)=18m-4m
So y = 2m
Substituting X / 3-y / 5 = 4
2 m / 3 - 2 m / 5 = 4
Multiply each item by 15

We know that the cubic root sign X-2 + 2 = x, and the cubic root sign 3y-1 and the cubic root sign 1-2x are opposite numbers to each other

Cubic radical X-2 + 2 = x
Cubic root 3y-1 and cubic root 1-2x are opposite numbers

If y = under the root sign (2x-3) + under the root sign (3-2x) + 2, find the value of 2x + y

Greater than or equal to 0 under root sign

Given that the third root Y-1 and the third root 1-2x are opposite numbers to each other, then Y / x = ()

The third root Y-1 and the third root 1-2x are opposite numbers to each other
Third root Y-1 + third root 1-2x = 0