The weight ratio of grain stored in warehouse A and warehouse B is 8:7. If 14 tons of grain are transported out of warehouse A and 6 tons are transported in warehouse B, then the grain in warehouse B is 14 tons more than that in warehouse A. how many tons of grain were stored in warehouse a?

The weight ratio of grain stored in warehouse A and warehouse B is 8:7. If 14 tons of grain are transported out of warehouse A and 6 tons are transported in warehouse B, then the grain in warehouse B is 14 tons more than that in warehouse A. how many tons of grain were stored in warehouse a?

The original storage of grain is the original storage of the original storage in the warehouse, which is the one (1-14) x + 14, x + 14 = 78x + 78x + 6 (78x + 78x + 78x + 6 & amp amp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 64 A: the original grain storage in warehouse A is 64 tons
A and B leave from ab at the same time. When a and B meet, car a runs 3 / 5 of the whole journey. B runs 150 kilometers less than car A. how far is the distance between a and B?
When we meet, B goes: 1-3 / 5 = 2 / 5
The distance is: 150 / (3 / 5-2 / 5) = 750 km
There are 210 workers in team a and team B. If 1 / 10 of them are transferred from team a to team a, then the ratio of team a and team B is 4:3. How many original workers are there in team a?
After the transfer, there are 120 people in team a and 90 people in team B. because 1 / 10 people are transferred from team 1, team B now has only 9 floors, so 1 floor = 90 / 9 = 10
Before the transfer, it was 10 * 10 = 100, team a = 110
Set up: Team B has x people. Then team a has 210-x + 1 / 10x = 210-9 / 10x.
Therefore, the original number of workers in team a is 210-100 = 110
The number of team a now
210x4 / 7 = 120 people
Now the number of team B
210-120 = 90
Original number of team B
90 (1-10%) = 100 persons
Number of people transferred from team B to team a
100-90 = 10 people
Original number of team a
120-10 = 110
A: team a used to have 110 people
Party A and Party B travel from AB to ab. the whole journey of Party A is 30 minutes. When they meet on the way, Party A travels three fifths of the whole journey, and Party A travels 200 meters more than Party B. how many meters per minute does party a travel
Sixth grade mathematics application problems have units to write units
Road length: 200 (m) * 5 = 1000 (m)
A: walk per minute: 1000 (m) / 30 (min) = 33.33 (m)
A: a travels 33.33 meters per minute
The weight ratio of coal stored in warehouse A and warehouse B is 8:7. If 1 / 4 of coal is transported from warehouse A and 6 tons of coal is transported into warehouse B, then the coal in warehouse B is 14 tons more than that in warehouse A. how many tons of coal is stored in warehouse a?
Equations, not equations
The weight ratio of coal stored in warehouse A and warehouse B is 8:7. If warehouse A is regarded as 1, warehouse B is 7 / 8. If 1 / 4 of the coal stored in warehouse A is transported out, there is still 1-1 / 4 = 3 / 4 left. At this time, if warehouse B does not transport 6 tons of coal, the coal in warehouse B is only 14-6 = 8 tons more than warehouse A. The 8 tons of coal is equivalent to 7 / 8-3 / 4 of warehouse a
A, B two cars at the same time from AB two cities relative, two cars run 3 hours at the distance of 36 kilometers from the midpoint of the meeting, when the bus line 60% of the whole journey, find the distance between AB two cities
A: the distance between the two cities is 360 km
There are 210 people in team a and team B. one tenth of team B is transferred to team a. the ratio of team a and team B is 4 to 3. Team a used to have many people
There were x people in team a
3[X+(210-X)/10]=4[210 -X -(210-X)/10]
The solution is: x = 110
Team a used to have 110 people
=110 people
A: team a had 110 people.
When they meet on the way, a and B will travel 250 meters per minute and 200 meters per minute
When they meet on the way, a travels 500 meters more than B. how many meters is the distance between the East and west villages?
To solve the equation with
A: the East and west villages are 4500 meters apart
The distance between the East and west villages is x meters
250 / 200 = 5 / 4, distance 500 * (5 + 4) = 4500m
I rode for X minutes
According to the meaning of the title, we can get 250x-500 = 200X
The solution is x = 10
So the distance between the two villages is 250 * 10 + 200 * 10 = 4500
A: after driving for X minutes, they meet
10 * (250 + 200) = 4500 (m)
Set X hours, 250x-500 = 200X, x = 10
10 times 250 plus 500 plus 200 times 10 = 5000
Both naughty and Xiaoxiao have accumulated some pocket money, which is 180% of Xiaoxiao's?
The score of mischievous is 180% - 1 = 95-1 = 45, the amount of money accumulated by mischievous: (58-30) △ 45, = 28 × 54, = 35 (yuan), the amount of money accumulated by mischievous: 35 × 180% = 63 (yuan); a: the original amount of money accumulated by mischievous is 63 yuan
Three hours later, the two cars are 36 kilometers apart. At this time, car a runs 2 / 5 of the whole journey, and car B runs 37.5% of the whole journey