There are 120 workers in a factory. The female workers are three fifths of the male workers. How many are the male workers?

There are 120 workers in a factory. The female workers are three fifths of the male workers. How many are the male workers?

=75 people
The number of girls in a class is 20% more than that of boys
A. The number of boys is 120% less than that of girls. B. the number of boys is 120% less than that of girls
According to the analysis, if the number of female students in a class is 20% more than that of male students, then the number of female students is 120% of that of male students (1 + 20%)
The number of male workers is 120 less than that of female workers in a factory, of which 30 are three times less than that of female workers. How many are there for male workers and female workers?
There are 120 more male workers than female workers
Set up x female workers
75 + 120 = 195
There were 75 female workers and 120 male workers
There are 45 male workers and 36 female workers in workshop a; the number of female workers in workshop B is 120% of the number of male workers. If the workers in the two workshops are combined, the number of male workers and female workers is exactly the same. There are workers in workshop B______ People
45-36 = 9 (person) & nbsp; & nbsp; 120%: 1 = 6:59 ÷ (6-5) × (6 + 5) = 9 × 11 = 99 (person) answer: there are 99 workers in workshop B. so the answer is: 99
The sum of a and B is 162. If the decimal point of a moves one place to the left, it is equal to 8 / 10 of B. what is the number of a?
The number a is X,
The number a is 144
The two vehicles run from two places at the same time. Car a runs 32 kilometers per hour, car B runs 30 kilometers per hour. When they meet, car a runs 16 kilometers more than car B. how many kilometers is the distance between the two places?
(32 + 30) × [16 ^ (32-30)] = 62 × [16 ^ 2] = 62 × 8 = 496 (km) answer: the distance between the two places is 496 km
Car a, car B and car C transport a pile of coal. Car a transports two fifths of the total tons, and car B transports three fifths of car C. It is known that car a transports 56 tons more than car B,
How many tons of coal is this pile?
Let B transport x tons
Then car a transported (x + 56) tons,
Car C transported 5 x / 3 tons
This pile of coal is 5 / 2 (72 + 56) = 320 (tons)
A: slightly
Three hundred and twenty
Suppose there are x tons of coal in this pile, then
The solution is x = 320 tons
A: there are 320 tons of coal in this pile
A and B both drive from a to B. B's speed is 20% slower than a's. it takes 8 hours for a to complete the whole journey. How long does it take for B to complete the whole journey?
8 (1-20%), = 8 △ 0.8, = 10 (hours); answer: it takes 10 hours for B to complete the whole journey
The sum of a and B is 162.8. If the decimal point of B moves one place to the right, it is equal to A. how many are a and B?
Let B be x, a be 10x, 10x + x = 162.8, & nbsp; 11x = 162.8, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 14.8, a be 10x = 10 × 14.8 = 148
A and B start from ab at the same time. They meet at 2:24. A travels 9.6 kilometers more than B. It is known that a can reach B at 4:30. How about the speed of a and B?
24 minutes = 24 / 60 = 0.4 hours, 30 minutes = 30 / 60 = 0.5 hours, so we meet in 2.4 hours. If a travels 9.6 kilometers more than B, then we meet in 2.4 hours with 9.6 △ 2.4 = 4 kilometers per hour. If a travels 4.5-2.4 = 2.1 hours, then we can get there. That is to say, the distance from a 2.1 hours is equal to the distance from B 2.4 hours, which is 4 × 2.4 △ 2.4-2.1) = 3232-4 = 28