One third of the yellow sand is used for the first time, and the remaining one fourth is used for the second time. (1) if it is still 18 tons, how many tons are there in this pile? (2) One third of the yellow sand will be used in the first time, and the remaining one fourth will be used in the second time. (1) if it is still 18 tons, how many tons of yellow sand will there be? (2) if it is 22 tons in two times, how many tons of yellow sand will there be? (3) if it is more than 2 tons in the first time, how many tons of yellow sand will there be?

One third of the yellow sand is used for the first time, and the remaining one fourth is used for the second time. (1) if it is still 18 tons, how many tons are there in this pile? (2) One third of the yellow sand will be used in the first time, and the remaining one fourth will be used in the second time. (1) if it is still 18 tons, how many tons of yellow sand will there be? (2) if it is 22 tons in two times, how many tons of yellow sand will there be? (3) if it is more than 2 tons in the first time, how many tons of yellow sand will there be?

(1) 18 / (1-1 / 3-2 / 3x1 / 4) = 18 / (1 / 2) = 36 tons
(2) (2 / 36) = 3 / 22 / (1 / 18)
(3) 2 / (1 / 3-2 / 3x1 / 4) = 2 / (1 / 6) = 12 tons
I wish you every success
The distance between a and B is equal to the distance between B and C. the speed of B is 80% of the speed of A. It is known that B starts 11 minutes earlier than a, but stops at B for 7 minutes, and a keeps on driving to C. finally, B arrives at C 4 minutes later than a. then, after B starts, B starts______ The first car will overtake the second car in 15 minutes
One third of number a is equal to one half of number B. what is the ratio between number a and number B?
A 1 / 3 = B 1 / 2
A: B = 3:2
Three to two
Let a be x and B be y
Then 1 / 3 * x = 1 / 2Y
The passenger car and the freight car leave from a and B, 609km apart. After seven hours, the two cars meet. It is known that the passenger car travels 42km per hour, and the freight car travels how many kilometers per hour?
Please use the equation
609 △ 7-42 = 45 km / h
609 minus 7 * 42 divided by seven equals 45km. This is the encounter problem, the relationship is: speed and * encounter time = encounter distance, etc
When 7 / 8 tons of yellow sand are transported to the construction site, after 1 / 4 tons are used, the remaining 3 / 5 can be used. How many tons can be used?
= 3 / 8 (ton)
Hello lileiandgu
= 3 / 8 (ton)
The speed ratio of a and B is 6:5. A goes to B and B goes to A. when they meet, they are 5km away from the midpoint of a and B. how far is B from a when a arrives at B
The speed ratio of a and B is 6:5. When a goes to B, B goes to A. when they meet, they are 5km away from the midpoint of a and B. how far is B from a when a arrives at B
When a and B meet, the speed of the two cars is 6:6 / 11,
Because the meeting point is 5km away from the midpoint, the distance between AB and ab is 5 △ (6 / 11-1 / 2) = 5 × 22 = 110km;
Because when a arrives at B, B only takes 5 / 6 of the whole journey, then B is 110 × (1-5 / 6) = 110 △ 6 = 55 / 3km away from a
The speed ratio of a and B is 6:5. When they meet, the distance ratio is 6:5.
Whole course = 5 ÷ (6 / 11-1 / 2) = 110 (km)
Distance of line a when meeting = 110 △ 2 + 5 = 60 (km)
=60-41 and 2 / 3
=18 1 / 3 (km)
A: when a arrives at B, B is 18 1 / 3 kilometers away from a
When meeting, the distance ratio of Party A and Party B is 6:5, and the whole journey is 5 × 2 △ (6-5) × (6 + 5) = 110
One half of the number a is equal to one third of the number B. A: B = more than what
A: B = 2:3
A passenger train runs 80 kilometers per hour from station a to station B, while a freight train runs 60 kilometers per hour from station B to station a
The two cars meet at a distance of 20 kilometers from the midpoint. How many hours will the two cars meet?
In the same time, the speed ratio is equal to the distance ratio (80:60 = 4:3)
Required distance first: [20 △ 4-3] × (4 + 3) = 140 (km)
Calculate encounter time = distance △ speed sum: 140 △ 80 + 60 = 1 (hour)
A: the two cars met after one hour
A piece of cloth is used for 1 / 8 in the first time and 3 / 2 square meters in the second time. It's just two times. It takes 2 / 7 of this cloth. What's the area of this cloth?
The area is assumed to be 8x
Next time (first time)
Second remaining (7x-3 / 2)
The solution is x = 7 / 6, so 8x = 28 / 3 m ^ 2
28 / 3 square meters
Let the total area be x, then use 1 / 8x for the first time, 3 / 2 for the second time, and the total area is 2 / 7X, and then use the equation 1 / 8x + 3 / 2 = 2 / 7X to solve X
= 28 / 3 (M2)
This cloth is 28 / 3 square meters.
Suppose: the area of this cloth is x square meters. X=(1/8X+3/2)÷2/7
X = (1 / 8x + 3 / 2) × 7 / 2 x = 7 / 16x + 21 / 4, multiply both sides by 16 to get:
16x = 7x + 84 9x = 84 x = 84 / 9 x = 28 / 3 x = 9 and 1 / 3 M2
A: the area of this cloth is 9 and 1 / 3 square meters.
Well, let X be 1 / 8x + 3 / 2 = 2 / 7X, and x = 28 / 3
A and B leave each other from a and B. after meeting, B arrives at a after 5 hours, and a has exceeded B by 90 kilometers, which is exactly 25% of the distance between two places
90 km is just 25% of the distance between the two places, so the distance between the two places is 360 km
In the same time, if Party A drives 360 + 90 and Party B drives 360, the distance ratio of two people in the same time is 450:360 = 5:4
From the beginning to meet a, the whole journey is 5 / 9, the whole journey of B is 4 / 9 = 160 km, 160 + 90 is the journey within 5 hours after meeting a
So the speed of a is 250 / 5 = 50 km / h
90 divided by 1 in 4 equals 360 km, 360 plus 90 equals 450 km, 450 divided by 5 equals 90, 1 plus 25 equals 125%, 125 to 1 equals 5 to 4, 90 divided by 5 plus 4 equals 10, 10 times 5 equals 50 km, a line of 50 km per hour