Party A and Party B transport a batch of cement together. At the end of the transport, party a transport more than two fifths of the total amount of 14 tons, Party B transport more than one fourth, how many tons did party a transport

Party A and Party B transport a batch of cement together. At the end of the transport, party a transport more than two fifths of the total amount of 14 tons, Party B transport more than one fourth, how many tons did party a transport

A + B = total
A = 2 / 5 total + 14T -- ②
B = (1 + 1 / 4) a -- ③
Take 3 into (1) and get: a + (1 + 1 / 4) a = total
A = 4 / 9 Total
If you take formula 4 into formula 2, you will get
4 / 9 total = 2 / 5 total + 14T, total = 315T,
Then a = 2 / 5 × 315 + 14 = 140t
The distance between a and B is 385km. A bus and a truck leave from the two places respectively. After 5 hours, the two cars meet, and the bus travels 65km per hour
How many kilometers does the truck travel per hour? Let the truck travel x kilometers per hour!
Set up freight cars to travel x kilometers per hour
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,
Divide both sides of the equal sign by 5
X = 12 (km)
The truck is too slow to drive as fast as the bicycle
A, B two piles of coal a total of 72 stew, a pile of coal transport 4 / 5, B pile of coal transport 75%, the remaining coal is exactly the same, ask the original two piles of coal how many tons?
Set a x tons of coal, b y tons of coal
0.2X=0.25 Y
Y=0.2/0.25 X=0.8 X
0.8 X+ X=72
Calculate x = 40, y = 32
It's not easy to calculate. I hope it can help the landlord, and I hope it can be adopted
A and B start from a and B at the same time. When they start, their speed ratio is 4:3. After meeting, B travels 35 kilometers more per hour than before
A and B start from a and B at the same time, and they travel in opposite directions. When they start, their speed ratio is 4:3. After meeting, B travels 35 kilometers more per hour than before. How many kilometers does a travel per hour when they arrive at the destination at the same time
Let car a be 4x, then car B be 3x
When we met, car B took 3 / 7 of the whole journey, and then took 4 / 7 of the whole journey
1/4x=(3/7)/3x +(4/7)/(3x+35)
1 / 4x = 1 / 7X + 4 / 7 (3x + 35) multiply by 28
A: the original speed of a is 60 km / h
140 H / km, let a speed be 4a, B speed be 3a, total distance be s, time before meeting is T1, time after meeting is T2
4at1 = (3a + 35) T2; 3at1 = 4at2, we can get a = 35, 4A = 140
Party A and Party B transport a batch of cement together. At the end of the transport, party a transport more than 2 / 5 of the total 14 tons, Party B transport more than 1 / 4, how many tons does party a transport
We need to find the corresponding percentage of 14 tons
1 / 4 + 1 = 5 / 4 (5 / 4 + 1) (2 / 5x + 14) = 1 x = 315, 315x2 / 5 + 14 = 140
2. The distance between Party A and Party B is 270km. A car drives from Party A to Party B and returns to Party A from Party B. it travels 45 km per hour when going there and 54 km per hour when returning
How many kilometers per hour is the average speed of this car?
5 + 6 = 11 (hours)
A: it takes 11 hours to get back and forth by car
I haven't finished the questions yet
270x2 60
Vplane = ----- (km / h)
54+45 11
S total = 270x2 = 540 (km)
270 270
Ttotal = ---- + ---- = 9 (H)
45 54
See what you want
The total weight of coal in pile a and pile B is 72 tons. After 80% of coal in pile a is transported and 75% of coal in pile B is transported, the remaining coal is exactly the same. How many tons of coal are there in each pile?
1-80% = 20%; 1-75% = 25%; the original weight ratio of pile a and pile B is: 25%: 20% = 5:4; 72 × 54 + 5, = 72 × 59, = 40 (tons); 72-40 = 32 (tons); a: pile a used to be 40 tons; pile B used to be 32 tons
A. B & nbsp; the two vehicles leave from the East and West stations at the same time, and the speed ratio of a and B is 4:3. After the two vehicles meet, B increases by 35 kilometers per hour. As a result, the two vehicles arrive at the destination at the same time. Q: how many kilometers per hour does a travel?
35 △ 43 + 4 △ 33 + 4-34, = 35 △ 43-34, = 35 △ 712, = 35 × 127, = 60 km. A: car a travels 60 km per hour
A and B transport a batch of cement together. A and B transport a batch of cement together. At the end of the transport, a transport more than 7 / 15 of the total amount of 18 tons, and B transport it by a vehicle
The tonnage is 50%. How many tons are there in this batch of cement?
Suppose there are x tons of this batch of cement
7x / 15 + 18 + 7x / 30 = x → x = 60 tons
A car travels 54 kilometers per hour from a to B, 45 kilometers per hour from a to B, and it takes 11 hours to go back and forth. How many kilometers is the total length from a to B?
Suppose that it takes x hours to get there by car, 54x = 45 × (11-x) & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 54x = 495-45x, 54x + 45x = 495-45x + 45x, 99x △ 99 = 495 △ 99, x = 5, 54 × 5 = 270 (km); a: the total length from ground a to ground B is 270 km