There are 540 tons of coal in Party A and Party B. when Party A uses three-quarters of the coal and Party B uses four fifths of the coal, the two piles have the same amount of coal left. How many tons of coal are there in Party A and Party B

There are 540 tons of coal in Party A and Party B. when Party A uses three-quarters of the coal and Party B uses four fifths of the coal, the two piles have the same amount of coal left. How many tons of coal are there in Party A and Party B

[analysis + problem solving]
Then the proportion of a and B original coal is
The original coal quantity of a is
The original coal quantity of B is
A = 1 / 4-1 / 4
B 1-4 / 5 = 1 / 5
According to the meaning of the title, 1 / 4 of a is equal to 1 / 5 of B
So the ratio of a and B is 1 / 5:1 / 4 = 4:5
540 ÷ (4 + 5) = 60 tons
A: 60 × 4 = 240 tons
B: 60 × 5 = 300 tons
540 ÷ (5 + 4) = 60 tons
A: 4 × 60 = 240 tons
B: 540-240 = 300 tons
On the highway, cars a, B and C drive at a constant speed of 80, 70 and 50 kilometers per hour respectively. A drives from station a to station B, while B and C drive from station B to station a. a meets C two hours after meeting B, then the distance between station a and station B is shorter______ Km
Suppose the distance between station a and station B is x km. According to the meaning of the question, we get: X80 + 50-x80 + 70 = 2, the solution is x = 1950, so the answer is 1950
A batch of cement is needed on the construction site, which accounts for 30% of the total cement transported in the first time and 25% of the total cement transported in the second time. 660 tons of cement are transported in two times. How many tons of cement are this batch
660 ÷ (30% + 25%) = 660 ÷ 0.55 = 1200 tons
There are two piles of coal a and B. If 12 tons are transported from pile a to pile B, the two piles of coal are the same weight; if 12 tons are transported from pile B to pile a, the coal in pile a is twice as heavy as that in pile B. the total weight of these two piles of coal is the same______ Tons
The original coal weight of pile B: (12 × 4) △ 2-1 + 12, = 48 △ 1 + 12, = 48 + 12, = 60 (tons), the original coal weight of pile a: 60 + 12 × 2, = 60 + 24, = 84 (tons), the total weight: 60 + 84 = 144 (tons). A: the total weight of these two piles of coal is 144 tons, so the answer is: 144
How many meters can a car walk in one second at the speed of 100 km / h? How many meters can a car walk in one second at the speed of 80 km / h?
100 km / h speed, 1 second can walk 27.7778 meters
80 km / h speed, 1 second can walk 22.222 meters
There was a batch of cement, which was transported more than 100 tons in the first time, 20 tons in the second time, and 200 tons in the third time
How many tons of this batch of cement
No equations
1 / 5 × 4 / 5 = 4 / 25 more than 100 × 4 / 5 + 20 = 100 tons of the second total
Total: (625-5 / 100) = 1 / 100
For the second time, 1 / 5 × 4 / 5 = 4 / 25, more than 100 × 4 / 5 + 20 = 100 tons
=625 tons
A: 625 tons of cement
A factory transported a pile of coal, workshop a used all 14, workshop B used all 13, known workshop a used 12 tons, how many tons of this pile of coal? How many tons does workshop B use?
12 △ 14 = 48 (tons); 48 × 13 = 16 (tons)
Athletes on the road for motorcycle training, speed of 80 kilometers per hour, when starting a car and motorcycle at the same time and driving
Athletes train their motorcycles on the highway at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. When they set out, a car and a motorcycle set out and drove at the same time. The speed of the car was 70 kilometers per hour. After 120 kilometers, the motorcycle turned around and returned. After 120 kilometers, the car stopped. When the distance between the two cars was 10 kilometers, how long did the car start?
reference resources
① Motorcycle in front of the car 10 km: 10 (80-70) = 1 (hour)
② Motorcycles turn around and return 10 kilometers away from the car (before meeting) (120 × 2-10) / (80 + 70) = 23 / 15 (hours)
③ Motorcycles turn around and return 10 kilometers away from the car (after meeting) (120 × 2 + 10) / (80 + 70) = 5 / 3 (hours) < 12 / 7
④ The distance between the motorcycle turning back and the stopped car is 10 km (120 + 10) △ 80 = 13 / 8 (hours) < 12 / 7 (rounding off);
When the distance between the two vehicles is 10 km, the vehicle starts for 1 hour or 23 / 15 hours or 5 / 3 hours;
Party A and Party B transport a batch of cement together. At the end of the transport, Party A transported 14 tons more than two fifths of the total, one fourth more than Party B. how many tons did party a transport
Don't worry about the equation. Explain it in detail
Take the quantity of shipment B as unit 1
Then the first team won 1 + 1 / 4 = 5 / 4
Then the total number is 1 + 5 / 4 = 9 / 4 units
Unit 1 is
=40 tons
Party a transported 40 × 5 / 4 = 50 (tons)
A: Party A transported 50 tons
Take the quantity of shipment B as unit 1
A = 1 / 4
Then the total number is 1 + 5 / 4 = 9 / 4 units
Unit 1 is
=40 tons
Party a transported 40 × 5 / 4 = 50 (tons)
A: Party A transported 50 tons.
Take one sixth of the coal from pile a and put it into pile B. the weight of pile a and pile B is equal. What is the weight ratio of pile a and pile B?
A-A / 6 = B + A / 6
4A / 6 = b
A: B = 6:4
It turns out that the weight ratio of a and B is 6:4
Divide a into 6 parts, take out 1 part, and there are 5 parts left. B now has 5 parts, indicating that there were 4 parts originally
So the original ratio of a and B is 6:4 = 3:2