There are 338 people in fire brigade a and B, 17 of whom are transferred to fire brigade a and 13 of whom are transferred to fire brigade B. a total of 78 people are transferred. How many people are there in fire brigade a and B?

There are 338 people in fire brigade a and B, 17 of whom are transferred to fire brigade a and 13 of whom are transferred to fire brigade B. a total of 78 people are transferred. How many people are there in fire brigade a and B?

Let a fire brigade have original x persons, then B fire brigade has original 338-x persons. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the equation: 17x + 13 (338-x) = 78, 3x + 7 (338-x) = 78 × 21, & nbsp; & nbsp; 3x + 2366-7x = 1638, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 4x = 728, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 182, then the original number of fire brigade B is 338-182 = 156
There are 180 tons of cement in the two warehouses. If Party A gives 1 / 5 of it to Party B, Party B gives 1 / 4 of it to Party A. the ratio of Party A to Party B is 17:15. How many tons does Party A and Party B have
By reduction method
Then the original warehouse of Party B:
180-84-3 / 8 = 95 + 5 / 8 (ton)
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The quality ratio of chemical fertilizer stored in warehouse A and warehouse B was 12:11. Later, 24 tons of chemical fertilizer were transported to warehouse B. at this time, the chemical fertilizer stored in warehouse A was 1:9 less than that in warehouse B, and the chemical fertilizer stored in warehouse B was 1:9 less than that in warehouse B
How many tons of original chemical fertilizer
If x tons are required, then 12x / 11 tons will be saved
X = 105.6 tons
There are 338 people in the two fire brigades, one third of which is from fire brigade a and one seventh of which is from fire brigade B. a total of 78 people are from fire brigade a and fire brigade B. how many people are there in fire brigade a and fire brigade B
It is suggested to use equation to solve this kind of application problems with complex quantitative relationship and clear equivalent relationship
Let X be a team, then 1 / 3x + (338-x) × 1 / 7 = 78, and the solution is x = 156
Let a X be 338-x
B: 338-156 = 182
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Let a X be 338-x
B: 338-156 = 182
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There are 180 tons of cement in the two warehouses of Party A and Party B. how many tons does Party A and Party B have
Later, Party B had 180 (1 + 1 + 1 / 5) = 900 / 11 tons
Later, a had 180-900 / 11 = 1080 / 11 tons
It turns out that a has 1080 / 11 △ (1-1 / 3) = 1620 / 11 tons
The original B has 180-1620 / 11 = 360 / 11 tons
Let a have X tons and B have y tons
By substituting y = 180-x into 2 and solving the equation, we can get the following results:
x=144 y=36
If you draw a score chart, you will know
The quality ratio of chemical fertilizer stored in warehouse A and warehouse B is 12:11. Later, 25 tons of chemical fertilizer were transported to warehouse B. at this time, the chemical fertilizer stored in warehouse A is 1 / 9 less than that in warehouse B. how many tons of grain were stored in warehouse B?
A remains the same
It turns out that B is 11 / 12 of A
Later, B is 1 △ of a (1-1 / 9) = 9 / 8
So a has 25 △ 9 / 8-11 / 12 = 120 tons
So the original B grain storage 120 × 11 / 12 = 110 tons
Have a good time
Let B's stock be x tons X / 11 * 12 = (24 + x) * 8 / 9 x = 105.6 tons
There are 338 people in fire brigade a and B, 17 of whom are transferred to fire brigade a and 13 of whom are transferred to fire brigade B. a total of 78 people are transferred. How many people are there in fire brigade a and B?
Let a fire brigade have original x persons, then B fire brigade has original 338-x persons. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the equation: 17x + 13 (338-x) = 78, 3x + 7 (338-x) = 78 × 21, & nbsp; & nbsp; 3x + 2366-7x = 1638, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 4x = 728, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 182, then the original number of fire brigade B is 338-182 = 156
For a batch of cement, 2 / 9 of this batch of cement will be transported for the first time. If another 15 tons are transported, the ratio of the transported cement to the remaining cement will be 1:1. This batch of water
A batch of cement, 9% of which were transported away for the first time
If another 15 tons are transported away, the ratio between the transported and the rest is 1:1. How many tons of this batch of cement are there?
The coal in pile a is 1 / 7 more than that in pile B. If 25% of pile a is used up and 6 tons are transported from pile B, then pile B is 18 tons more than pile a, then pile a is () tons
Pile a uses 25%, and pile B has 18-6 tons more coal than pile a = 12 tons
If we regard the original B pile of coal as unit 1, then the original a has 1 + 1 / 7 = 8 / 7
After using 25%, there are 8 / 7 × (1-25%) = 6 / 7
Therefore, the original armour pile is 12 △ (1-6 / 7) × 8 / 7 = 96 tons
Two engineering teams, one fifth of team a is transferred to team B, and one sixth of team B is transferred to team a. the number of the two teams is equal. It turns out that the ratio of team a and team B is more
Let's have X members in team a and y members in team B