To build a highway, team a has 120 people, and one fifth of the number of team a is transferred to team B. at this time, the number of team a and team B is equal. How many people are there in team B

To build a highway, team a has 120 people, and one fifth of the number of team a is transferred to team B. at this time, the number of team a and team B is equal. How many people are there in team B

B to the original 72 people
For a pile of coal, 56 tons were transported in the first time, and a quarter of the total was transported in the second time. This is the remaining tons and the tons transported
A pile of coal is transported 56 tons in the first time and a quarter of the total in the second time. At this time, the ratio of the remaining tons to the transported tons is 2:3. How much is this ton of coal?
3 / (3 + 2) = 3 / 5
56 ÷ (3 / 5-1 / 4) = 56 ÷ 0.35 = 160 tons
There are two piles of coal with a total of 136 tons. Mo factory takes 30% of the coal from pile a and a quarter of the coal from pile B. at this time, the remaining coal is from pile B
How many tons of coal does this plant take from the pile a
Suppose: take x tons of coal from pile a
Then: X / 30% + (136 * 62.5% - 13) * 4 / 3 = 136
The solution is: x = 12 (ton)
Let the coal in pile B be x tons.
The solution is x = 90
Jiadui: 136-90 = 46 tons
Take away from pile a: 46 * 30% = 13.8 tons
A: the plant took 13.8 tons of coal from the jiadui
A and B set out at the same time and at the same place to transport goods in the freight yard. Car a traveled 64 kilometers per hour, while car B traveled 48 kilometers per hour. On the way, car a stopped and repaired for 3 hours due to a fault. As a result, car B arrived at the freight yard one hour earlier than car A. question: how many kilometers is the distance from the departure place to the freight yard?
If the distance from the starting point to the freight yard is x km, then
The starting point is 384 kilometers away from the freight yard
Suppose that the departure time of B is x hours
The distance from the starting point to the freight yard is 8 * 48 = 384 km
A: 384km
Thank you~
The distance from the starting point to the freight yard is x kilometers
The distance from the starting point to the freight yard is a kilometer
The solution is a = 384km
For a pile of 56 tons of coal, 3 / 8 of it is used in the first time and 2 / 7 of it is used in the second time. How many tons are used in the two times
56 * (3 / 8 + 2 / 7) = 37 tons
Two piles of 136 tons of coal: "a takes 30 percent, B takes 4 percent, and then B just leaves 62 percent, 5 percent, less than 30 tons." how many tons does a take
Let a be x tons and y be 136-x tons
X = 96 tons
So 96 * 30% = 28.8 tons
A: 28.8 tons have been taken away
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(14 year forecast) a and B set out at the same time and at the same place to transport goods to the freight yard. Car a travels 64 kilometers per hour, while car B travels 48 kilometers per hour. On the way, car a stopped for repair for 3 hours due to a fault. As a result, car B arrived at the freight yard one hour earlier than car A. how many kilometers is the distance from the place of departure to the freight yard?
The distance is x kilometers
The solution is x = 384
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A pile of coal, the first day to use all 2 / 5, the second day to use 40 tons, the third day to use the remaining 2 / 5, at this time there are 56 tons. How many tons of original coal?
Set the original x tons of coal
formulation of equation
The solution is x = 250
So the original coal is 250 tons
Two hundred and fifty
Pile B has 28 tons more coal than pile A. pile a uses 4 / 5 of coal, and the rest is equal to 1 / 7 of pile B. how many tons does pile B have?
It turns out that a: B = 1 / 7: (1-4 / 5) = 5:7
So B has 28 (7-5) × 7 = 98 tons
7x28 ÷ (7-5) = 98 tons
If the pile B coal is x tons, the pile a coal is x-28 tons
A: B has 98 tons
When a, B and C start from the parking lot of a, B and C every two kilometers in the morning, they will catch up with each other at the same time?
Car C caught up with car B after driving for four hours
Car a arrives at the freight yard at a speed of 50 km / h in 12 hours, which is equivalent to 600 km / h. car C arrives at a speed of 60 km / h in 10 hours, which is 240 km / h in 4 hours. Car B travels at a speed of 40 km / h in 6 hours, which is also 240 km / h
Suppose the speed of car C is V1
If car a and car C arrive at the freight yard at 17:00, then
We get V1 = 60 m / s
Suppose car C overtakes car B at x, then
We get x = 11