Take 1 / 10 of the apples from box a and put them into box B. at this time, the kilogram of the apples in the two boxes is equal. The kilogram of the apples in Box B is () of the apples in box a Choose. A, 9 / 10 b, 4 / 5 C, 19 / 20. Now

Take 1 / 10 of the apples from box a and put them into box B. at this time, the kilogram of the apples in the two boxes is equal. The kilogram of the apples in Box B is () of the apples in box a Choose. A, 9 / 10 b, 4 / 5 C, 19 / 20. Now

Take 1 / 10 of the apples from box a and put them into box B. at this time, the kilogram of the apples in the two boxes is equal. The kilogram of the apples in Box B originally accounts for 30% of box a
( B、4/5).
A、9/10 B、4/5 C、19/20
Let a and B have X and Y respectively. From the meaning of the title, X-1 / 10 * x = 1 / 10 * x + y, we can get y / x = 4 / 5
Suppose that the kilogram of apple in Box B is X
If the number of apple trees in box a is 1, then Box B is X
Take out 1 / 10 apples from box a and put them into Box B, that is, take out 1 / 10 apples from box a and put them into box a
A left 1-1 / 10 = 9 / 10, B has x + 1 / 10
At this time, the kilogram of two boxes of apples is equal, 9 / 10 = x + 1 / 10 x = 8 / 10 = 4 / 5, so choose B
There is a batch of cement on the construction site. The first time 7.8 tons are used, the second time 7 / 20 are used, and there are still 1.5 tons left. How many tons of this batch of cement?
Solve by equation
Suppose that this batch of cement has x tons, the equation is: x-7.8-7/20 x = 1.5 13 / 20x = 9.3 x = 186 / 13, which is about 14.3 tons
The total weight of pile a and pile B is 78 tons. If 25% of the coal is transported from pile a to pile B, the weight ratio of pile B to pile a is 8:5?
Later, pile a had 78 △ (8 + 5) × 5 = 30 tons. Originally, pile a had 30 △ (1-25%) = 40 tons. Originally, pile B had 78-40 = 38 tons. A: originally, pile a had 40 tons of coal. Pile B had 38 tons of coal
There are 280 apples in box a and 40 apples in box B. take 8 apples out of box a and put them into Box B each time. How many times will the number of apples in the two boxes be equal?
(280 + 40) △ 2 = 160 (pieces); 160-40 = 120 (pieces); 120 △ 8 = 15 (Times)
There is a batch of cement on the construction site. It takes 7.6 tons for the first time, seven tenths for the second time, and the remaining 1.5 tons. How many tons of this batch of cement are there
Set cement x tons
That is: 91 / 3 tons of cement
There are two piles of coal (A and b) with a weight ratio of 5:3. If 25 tons are transported from pile B to pile a, how many tons are there in total?
The current price of a is more than that of B: 25 + 25 = 50 tons
Now a is more than B: (5-3) △ 3 = 2 / 3
Now B has: 50 / 2 / 3 = 75 tons
The original A and B have: 75 + 25 = 100 tons
Hope to help you!
If you don't understand, please ask. I wish you progress in your study!
If 1 / 6 of the two boxes of apples are taken out of box a and put into Box B, the quality of the two boxes of fruits is exactly the same, then the apples in box a are several times more than those in box B
We get X / y = 3 / 2, that is, more than 1 / 2
Multiple: 1 / 6 + 1 / 6 = 2 / 6 = 1 / 3
Let a be x, B be y
5x/6=x/6 + y
4x/6=y x=3y/2
There are 1 / 2 more apples in box a than in box B
It must be half. I'll make a drop
A pile of cement was transported to a construction site. It took 15% of the total on the first day, 25% on the second day, 15 tons on the third day, and 7 tons left. How many tons of this batch of cement were used?
(15 + 7) △ 1-15-25%) = 22 △ 1120 = 40 tons a: this pile of cement is 40 tons
The weight of the two piles of coal is equal. Now 24 tons of coal are transported from pile a, and 8 tons are transported from pile B. at this time, the weight of pile B is three times that of pile A. how many tons of coal were there in each pile?
A pile of coal: (24 + 8) △ 3-1, = 32 △ 2, = 16 (tons), a original: 16 + 24 = 40 (tons); a: two piles of coal each had 40 tons
There are two boxes of apples, box a and Box B, of which the number of Box B is 3 / 4 of that of box a, and two are less. If 3 / 20 is taken out of box a and put into Box B, then there are two boxes of apples
How many boxes are there
The process of solution
It seems that there are no conditions. Many questions