A heap of coal weighs five sixths of a ton. If a transports one sixth to B, B will be one sixth lighter than A. how many tons is a heavier than B?

A heap of coal weighs five sixths of a ton. If a transports one sixth to B, B will be one sixth lighter than A. how many tons is a heavier than B?

B is two sixths and a is three sixths heavier than B
If a transports one sixth to B,
There is a problem here. One sixth, or one sixth of a ton? The results are different.
If B is half a ton, the result is one sixth of a ton.
If it's one sixth, the result is that a weighs 5 / 18 of a ton more than B. How much do you say? If one sixth of the first year's games go to the second, the key is whether this sentence is complete? If it's complete, it's proportional. That's the latter one. The result is 5 / 18 tons, and the answer is
If a transports one sixth to B,
There is a problem here. One sixth, or one sixth of a ton? The results are different.
If it is one sixth of a ton, the result is that a weighs two sixth of a ton more than B.
If it's one sixth, the result is that a weighs 5 / 18 of a ton more than B. Question: how much do you say? How to calculate it
If one fifth of team a is transferred to team B, the number of the two teams will be equal
B = 1 / 3
Originally more (1 / 5x2) △ 3 / 5 = 2 / 5 △ 3 / 5 = 2 / 3
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,
A: team a is 2 / 3 more than team B
2 / 9 tons of coal, 1 / 6 of the total amount is transported for the first time. After how many tons are transported, the same amount will be transported as the rest?
2 / 9 tons of coal, 1 / 6 of the total amount is transported for the first time. After how many tons are transported, the same amount will be transported as the rest?
The coal transported for the second time accounted for several parts of the total
How many more tons will be transported, as much as the rest:
2 / 9 × 1 / 3 = 2 / 27 (ton)
A: after another 2 / 27 tons, as much as the rest
2 / 9 * (1 / 2-1 / 6) = 2 / 27 tons
After transferring 15 coal from pile a to pile B, the two piles have the same amount of coal, and the original pile B is less than pile a ()
A. 15B. 25C. 14
The quality of coal in pile a is "1", which is divided into 5 parts on average, each of which is 15. Because there are as many coal in the two piles after 15 is transferred to pile B, the coal in pile B is less than that in pile a, one of which is 15, and the other is 15 × 2 = 25
Transfer the & nbsp; 15 of the number of team a to team B, then the number of team a and team B is equal, and the number of team a is more than that of team B (& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;) (& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;)
(5-3) △ 3, = 23; so fill in 23
A total of 400 tons of coal were transported in the first time, accounting for 1 / 4 of the total. After some coal was transported in the second time, 180 tons of coal remained. How much more was transported in the second time than in the first time
400 × 1 / 4 = 100 tons
400-180-100 = 120 tons
There are two piles of coal. It is known that pile a has 30 tons. If 5% of the coal is transferred from pile a to pile B, the tons of the two piles of coal are the same. What is the proportion of pile a to pile B?
Pile a is reduced by 5% to pile B, so pile B is 90% of pile a, so pile a is 10% of pile B
A 30 tons, B 27 tons
Reactor B = 30 × (1-5% - 5%) = 27 vehicles
A / b = 30 △ 27 = 10 / 9
Do not understand can ask, help please adopt, thank you!
The number of team a and team B is equal. Now transfer 15% of the number of team a to team B. the ratio of team a to team B is ()
A. 2:3B. 4:5C. 6:5D. 5:4
If the original number of team a and team B is x, then the existing number of team a is (1-15) x, and the existing number of team B is (1 + 15) x, (1-15) x: (1 + 15) x = 45:65 = 2:3
There are 92 tons of coal in the warehouse. The first time 16 tons of total coal are transported away. After how many tons are transported, as much coal is transported away as the rest?
92 × 12-92 × 16, = 94 − 34, = 32 (tons); a: after another 32 tons are transported away, as much as the rest
There are two piles of 136 tons of coal, 30% of which are taken from pile a and 25% from pile B. at this time, the remaining coal of pile B is 13 tons less than three eighths of the original total. How many tons of coal are there in pile a? Hurry up
The remaining B = 38 × 13 tons
Original total weight of B = 38 (1-1 / 4) = 51 tons
A original weight = 136-51 = 85 tons
120 tons. If there is no problem with the title, I just don't understand why it's useless for me to take so many titles out of the nail pile. The first floor doesn't give him good comments. unfair... B the rest = 136 × 3 / 8-13 = 38 tons
Original total weight of B = 38 (1-1 / 4) = 51 tons
A original weight = 136-51 = 85 tons. Is that right. Where are you from
120 tons. If there is no problem with the title, follow up: process