If the weight of coal in pile a is 16 less than that in pile B, the following statements are correct: (1) the weight of pile B is 20% more than that in pile a; (2) the weight ratio of pile a and pile B is 6:7; (3) if 112 is taken from pile B to pile a, the weight of two piles of coal will be the same. (4) pile a accounts for 511% of the total weight of two piles of coal A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ②③④

If the weight of coal in pile a is 16 less than that in pile B, the following statements are correct: (1) the weight of pile B is 20% more than that in pile a; (2) the weight ratio of pile a and pile B is 6:7; (3) if 112 is taken from pile B to pile a, the weight of two piles of coal will be the same. (4) pile a accounts for 511% of the total weight of two piles of coal A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ②③④

A. The weight of pile B is more than that of pile a: (1-56) △ 56 = 16 × 65 = 20%, this sentence is correct; the weight ratio of pile B, pile a and pile B is: 56:1 = 5:6, not 6:7, the original sentence is wrong; C. take 112 from pile B to pile a, pile B is left: 1-112 = 1112, pile a is now: 56 + 112 = 1112, the weight of two piles of coal is
If the speed of a car from city a to city B is increased by 20%, it can arrive at city B one hour earlier than the original time; if the speed is increased by 30% after driving 100 km at the original speed, it can arrive at city B one hour earlier than the original time______ Kilometers
The ratio of the original speed to the increased speed is 1: (1 + 20%) = 5:6, so the ratio of time spent on the same journey is 6:5. The original time needed to reach the second place is: 6 × [1 ÷ (6-5)] = 6 × [1 ÷ 1] = 6 × 1 = 6 (hours). After driving 100 km, the ratio of driving speed to the increased speed is 1: (1 + 30%) = 10:13, so the ratio of time spent on the same journey is 1: (1 + 30%) = 10:13 The ratio is 13:10, so the journey after 100 km takes 13 × [1 △ 13-10] = 13 × [1 △ 3] = 13 × 13 = 133 (hours) and the journey before 100 km takes 6-133 = 53 (hours). The journey between the two places takes 100 △ 53 × 6 = 60 × 6 = 360 (kilometers). A: the distance between a and B is 360 km. So the answer is: 360 km
For a batch of cement, 40% of the total amount is transported in the first time, and 15 tons are transported in the second time, leaving 9 tons. How many tons of this batch of cement? (do not use equation solution)
Add the quantity relation
40% of them were transported away, and there were still:
40% of the goods are transported away, and there are still:
15 + 9 = 24 tons
24 / 60% = 24 / 0.6 = 40 tons
For the first time, 40% will be transported, and the rest will be 15 tons and 9 tons, that is to say, the remaining 60% will be 24 tons, and 24 / 60% = 40 tons. This is the total tonnage
(15 + 9) / (1-40%) = 40 tons
(15 + 9) / (1-60%) = 60 tons
7 / 3 of the mass of coal in pile a is equal to twice of that in pile B. the ratio of coal in pile a to pile B is (). The ratio is ()
The coal ratio of pile a and pile B is 2:7 / 3 = 6:7, and the ratio is 6 / 7
A: B = 3 / 7:1 / 2 = 6:7
7 / 3 of the mass of coal in pile a is equal to 2 times of that in pile B, and the ratio of coal in pile a and pile B is (6:7). The ratio is (6 / 7).
Three seventh of the coal mass of pile a is equal to two times of that of pile B. the mass ratio of pile a and pile B is (14:3) and the ratio is (14 / 3)
A * (3 / 7) = b * 2;
A / b = 2 / (3 / 7) = 14 / 3;
The ratio of a to B is 6:7 and the ratio is 6 / 7
The ratio of two piles of coal is 6:7, and the ratio is 6 / 7
The coal ratio of pile a and pile B is 2:7 / 3 = 6:7, and the ratio is 6 / 7
The distance between AB and a is 100 km. The speed of a in a is 20 km / h, and that of B in B is 30 km / h
1. A starts an hour before B starts. They start from each other. How many hours after a starts, they meet?
2. They set out at the same time and go in the same direction. A is in the front and B is in the back. How many hours does B catch up with a?
3. One hour after a's departure, B's departure. The two people walk in opposite directions. A few hours after a's departure, they are 200 kilometers apart?
4. Party A and Party B set out at the same time and walked towards each other. After a few hours, they were 20 kilometers apart?
5. Party A and Party B set out at the same time, facing each other, returning to places B and a respectively. When they meet again, how far is it from place a?
1. Let a meet after t hours;
According to the meaning: 20 (T + 1) + 30t = 100
Solution: T = 8 / 5 = 1.6 (hours)
Let B catch up with a in t hours;
According to the meaning: 20t + 100 = 30t
Solution: T = 10 (hours)
3. The distance between the two people is 200 kilometers,
According to the meaning: 20 + 100 + 30t + 20t = 200
Solution: T = 1.6 (hours)
4. The distance between the two persons is 20 km after setting T hours;
Then: 20t + 20 + 30t = 100 solution: T = 1.6 (hours)
5. Suppose there is s km away from a when we meet again;
The mileage of a is (200-s) km, and that of B is (100 + s) km;
According to the meaning of the question: (200-s) / 20 = (100 + s) / 30
Solution: S = 80 (km)
For a batch of cement, 40% of the total amount was transported in the first time, and 15 tons were transported in the second time, leaving 9 tons. How many tons of this batch of cement?
Add the equation, not the quantity relation
Quantity relation: (the quantity of the second transportation + the remaining quantity) / (1 - 40% of the total quantity of the first transportation) = the total quantity of this batch of cement
(15 + 9) / (1-40%) = 40 (tons)
A: there are 40 tons of cement in this batch
All 40% + 15 + 9 = all of cement so: total cement = (15 + 9) / (1-40%) = 24 △ 0.6 = 40 tons ~ I wish you progress in your study ~ ~ ~ if you agree with my answer, please click the [adopt as satisfactory answer] button in time ~ ~ the mobile phone questioner can comment "satisfied" on the client ~ ~ ~ your adoption is the driving force for me to move forward ~ ~ ~ if there are any new questions, please In addition, ask me for help, the answer is not easy, please understand~~
40% of all + 15 + 9 = all of cement
=40 tons
The three vehicles of a, B and C carry a pile of coal. Car a carries 40% of the total, while car B carries 60% of car C. It is known that car a carries 28 tons more than car B,
How many tons of coal is this pile
C = (1-40%) / (1 + 60%) = 37.5%
B = 1-40% - 37.5% = 22.5%
Total = 28 (40% - 22.5%) = 160 tons
=1120 tons
If the speed of a car from city a to city B is increased by 20%, it can arrive at city B one hour earlier than the original time; if the speed is increased by 30% after driving 100 km at the original speed, it can arrive at city B one hour earlier than the original time______ Kilometers
The ratio of the original speed to the increased speed is 1: (1 + 20%) = 5:6, so the ratio of time spent on the same journey is 6:5. The original time needed to reach the second place is: 6 × [1 ÷ (6-5)] = 6 × [1 ÷ 1] = 6 × 1 = 6 (hours). After driving 100 km, the ratio of driving speed to the increased speed is 1: (1 + 30%) = 10:13, so the ratio of time spent on the same journey is 1: (1 + 30%) = 10:13 The ratio is 13:10, so the journey after 100 km takes 13 × [1 △ 13-10] = 13 × [1 △ 3] = 13 × 13 = 133 (hours) and the journey before 100 km takes 6-133 = 53 (hours). The journey between the two places takes 100 △ 53 × 6 = 60 × 6 = 360 (kilometers). A: the distance between a and B is 360 km. So the answer is: 360 km
Jinjin cement plant produced a batch of cement, which accounted for 35% of the total amount transported in the first time and 25% of the total amount transported in the second time, with a total of 900 tons transported in two times
How many tons of cement are there
Total = 900 (35% + 25%) = 1500 tons
Car a, car B and car C carry a pile of coal. Car a carries 40% of the total amount, while car B carries 60% of car C. It is known that car a carries 28 tons more than car B. how many tons of coal is this ton?
Car a carried 40% of the total,
Car B and car C transported 1-40% = 60%,
Car B carries 60% of car C, so car B carries 60% / (1 + 60%) of 60%
Car a transported more than car B by 0.4-0.225 = 0.175
So this pile of coal: 28 / 0.175 = 160 tons
What does (1 + 60%) mean in the above question?
It can be explained as follows: assuming that the unit transported by car C is 1, then the unit transported by car B is 60% of car C, that is, 60% * 1 = 60%, then the proportion of car B to the total amount of car B and car C is 60% / (1 + 60%)