If another 15 tons of cement are transported away, the ratio between the transportation and the rest is 1:1. How many tons of cement are there

If another 15 tons of cement are transported away, the ratio between the transportation and the rest is 1:1. How many tons of cement are there

15 ÷ (1 / 2-2 / 9) = 54 tons
How much is the weight of pile b less than that of pile C
Reactor B: 25-1 / 8 = 199 / 8 (tons) 1-1 / 8 = 7 / 8 reactor C: 199 / 8 △ 7 / 8 = 199 / 7 (tons)
25 - one eighth + one eighth = 25
Reactor B: 25-1 / 8 = 199 / 8 (tons) 1-1 / 8 = 7 / 8 reactor C: 199 / 8 △ 7 / 8 = 199 / 7 (tons)
C: 25 - (25 / 8) * 9 / 8
Transfer 1 / 5 of the number of team a to team B. at this time, the number of team a and team B is equal. What is the number of team B?
If team a has five, team B has three
Then team B is three fifths of team a
For a batch of cement, two ninths of this batch of cement is transported for the first time. If 15 tons are transported, the ratio between the transported and the rest is 1:1. How many tons of this batch of cement were there? Use the equation to solve the problem,
Suppose that this batch of cement used to be x tons
X = 54 tons
This batch of cement used to be 54 tons
Three fifths of a ton of coal is nine tenths of a ton. How many tons does this ton weigh?
Designed coal weight a ton
A = 3 / 2 (ton)
9 / 10 △ 3 / 5 = 1.5 tons
9 / 10 △ 3 / 5 = 1.5 (ton)
A: This ton of coal weighs 1.5 tons.
This is an outdated topic. Now the unit in the textbook does not appear: ton, but kilogram.
The ratio of team a and team B is 5:2. The number of people transferred from team a to team B is 18, and then from team a to team B is 14. At this time, the number of people in the two teams is equal. How many people are there in team a? (solve by formula)
There are two players left in the first team (A: 35, B: 35, a: 38, B: 28, a: 35, B: 28, a: 38, B: 35, a: 38, B: 28, a: 35, B: 28, a: 38, B: 35, a: 38, B: 28, a: 35, B: 28, a: 58, B: 28, a: 58, B: 28, a: 58, B: 38, B: 28, B: 28, a: 58, B: 18, B: 28, a: 38, B: 35, B: 28, a: 18, B: 35, B: 18, a: 35, B: 28, B: 18, a: 28, B: 28, a: 35, B: 18, B: 18
For a batch of cement, two ninths of this batch of cement will be transported for the first time. If another 15 tons are transported, the ratio of the transported cement to the remaining cement will be 1:1. How many tons of this batch of cement are there
After the second shipment:
Transported: all = 1: (1 + 1) = 1:2
Original cement
=15 ÷ (1 / 2-2 / 9)
=15 △ 5 / 18
=54 tons
The total weight of the three heaps of coal a, B and C is 960 tons, with a and B accounting for five eighths of the three heaps and a and C accounting for nine sixteenth of the total?
Party A and Party B: 960 × 5 / 8 = 600 (tons)
A and C: 960 × 9 / 16 = 540 (tons)
A, B and C: 960 (tons)
2a, 1b, 1c: 600 + 540 = 1140 (tons)
A: 1140-960 = 180
A + B + C = 1
A + B = 5 / 8
A + C = 9 / 16 → B = 7 / 16, so a = 3 / 16
A: 960 × 3 / 16 = 180
The ratio of team a and team B is 3:5, and 15 people are transferred from team a. the ratio of team a and team B is 1:2. How many people are there in team a and team B
Solve by equation
Let the number of team a be x and the number of team B be y. from the meaning of the question, we can get: 3Y = 5x; (X-15) / (y + 15) = 1 / 2; the solution is: x = 135, y = 225. Without the equation, the number of team a accounts for 3 / (3 + 5) = 3 / 8 of the total number. After 15 people are transferred to team B, the number of team a accounts for 1 / (1 + 2) = 1 / 3 of the total number, so 15 people account for 3 / 8 of the total number
For a batch of cement, 29 tons of this batch of cement will be transported for the first time. If another 15 tons are transported, the ratio of the transported cement to the rest is 1:1. How many tons of this batch of cement are there?
15 (12-29) = 15 (518) = 54 (tons) a: this batch of cement is 54 tons