On a map with a scale of 1:2000000, the distance between a and B is 6cm. How many hours does it take for a car to go from place a to place B at the speed of 80km per hour?

On a map with a scale of 1:2000000, the distance between a and B is 6cm. How many hours does it take for a car to go from place a to place B at the speed of 80km per hour?

The distance between a and B: 6 △ 12000000 = 12000000 (CM) = 120 (km); from a to B, it takes 120 △ 80 = 1.5 (H); a: from a to B, it takes 1.5 hours
Party A and Party B transport a batch of cement together. At the end of the transport, Party A transports more than two fifths of the total amount of 14 tons, and Party B transports more than one fourth. How many tons did party a transport?
Total: 14 ÷ (1-2 / 5-1 / 4) = 40 tons
A: 40 × 2 / 5 + 14 = 30 tons
There are two piles of coal. The weight of pile a is five sixths of that of pile B. after pile a transports five sixths of it, pile B is 62 tons more than pile A. how many tons is the original weight of pile a?
According to the meaning of the title:
Design a original M1 tons of coal
B: tons of coal
Simultaneous solution
M1 = 60 tons
M2 = 72 tons
A and B leave city a and city B at the same time. At 59 o'clock, car a meets car B. after meeting, car B continues to advance at the speed of 60 kilometers per hour and takes 1.5 hours to complete the rest of the journey. How many kilometers are there between city a and city B?
(60 × 1.5) △ 59, = 90 △ 59, = 162 (km). A: the distance between a and B is 162 km
Party A and Party B transport a batch of cement together. At the end of the transport, party a transport more than 2 / 5 of the total 14 tons, Party B transport more than 1 / 4 of Party A, and how many tons does party a transport
The best formula
B shipped all: 3 / 5 less 14 tons
All are:
=315 tons
It's the first time
=140 tons
If there are x tons of cement in this batch, car a will transport [(2 / 5) x + 14] tons, and car B will transport [(3 / 5) x-14] tons,
A car transported 140 tons
A and B two piles of coal, a to B one seventh, B to a quarter, after each 180 tons. Ask B how many tons?
Before ten!
A: 180 / (1-1 / 7) = 210
B: 180 / (1-1 / 4) = 240
There are two cars in the same direction on the same road. At the beginning, car a is 3 kilometers away from car B, and car a is going at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour,
Car B is going at a speed of 72 kilometers per hour. How far is the distance between the two cars one minute before car B overtakes car a?
We need to be formulaic, not equations
Catch up per minute (72-60) * 1 / 60 = 0.2km
If "the first minute" means that you can catch up in one minute, then the initial distance is more than 3km, and the answer is 0.2km
If "the first minute" refers to the first minute of catching up, then the demand is 3-0.2 = 2.8km - the answer is 2.8km
There are 250 bags of cement in the warehouse. One fifth of the total will be used in the first time, and the remaining two thirds will be used in the second time. How many bags will be used in the two times?
Process, not equation
Use all of them the second time:
Two times in total:
=150 (bag)
One fifth of the total amount is used for the first time, that is, 50 bags are used, and 200 bags are left at this time
For the second time, use the remaining 1 / 2, that is 200 / 2 = 100 bags
So 50 + 100 = 150 bags
150 bags, the first 20% is 50 bags, the second 50% is 100 bags, a total of 150 bags.
There are two barrels of oil a and B. If one seventh of the oil in barrel a is poured into barrel B, then the quality of the two barrels of oil is equal to that of barrel B
There are two barrels of oil a and B. If one seventh of the oil in barrel a is poured into barrel B, the quality of the two barrels of oil is equal. How much of the oil in barrel B is equivalent to that in barrel a?
Let a be x and B be y,
When one seventh of the oil in a barrel is poured into B barrel, a becomes 6x / 7, B is y + X / 7,
From the equal mass of two barrels of oil, 6x / 7 = y + X / 7,
Then y = 5x / 7,
So the quality of B barrel is equal to 5 / 7 of that of a barrel,
There are two barrels of oil a and B. If one seventh of the oil in barrel a is poured into barrel B, then the quality of the two barrels of oil is equal. How much of the oil in barrel B is equal to that in barrel a???
Car a is going at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, and car B is catching up at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. The distance between the two cars is 9 seconds before car B overtakes car a______ Rice
60 kilometers = 503 meters per second, 100 kilometers per hour = 2509 meters per second, (2509-503) × 9 = 1009 × 9, = 100 meters. A: nine seconds before car B overtakes car a, the distance between the two cars is 100 meters