There are two bookshelves. 14 books in bookshelf A is equivalent to 25 books in bookshelf B, and there are 120 more books in bookshelf a than in bookshelf B______ Ben

There are two bookshelves. 14 books in bookshelf A is equivalent to 25 books in bookshelf B, and there are 120 more books in bookshelf a than in bookshelf B______ Ben

25 / 14 = 85, 85-1 = 35120 / 35 = 200 (copies); answer: there are 200 books in B bookshelf
Party A, Party B and Party C jointly process 180 parts. The number of parts processed by Party A is 1 / 2 of that of Party B and Party C, and the number processed by Party B is 1 / 3 of that of Party A and Party C. how many parts has Party C processed?
Use arithmetic
The number of a is 1 / 2 of that of B and C, and 1 / (1 + 2) = 1 / 3 of that of A
The number processed by B is 1 / 3 of that of a and C, and 1 / (1 + 3) = 1 / 4 of the total number processed by B
1-1 / 3-1 / 4 = 5 / 12
C processed 180x5 / 12 = 75 pieces
C: 180X (1-1 / 3-1 / 4) = 75
B + C = 180 (1 + 1 / 2) = 120
A = 120 × 1 / 2 = 60
A + C = 180 (1 + 1 / 3) = 135
C = 135-60 = 75
The number of a processed is 1 / 2 of that of B and C, so a processed 60. (180 / 3)
B processes 1 / 3 of a and C, so B processes 45 (180 / 4)
So C processed 180-60-45
180 ÷ (1 + 1 / 2) = 120
120 × 1 / 2 = 60
180 ÷ (1 + 1 / 3) = 135
135-60 = 75
There are two bookshelves. 14 books in bookshelf A is equivalent to 25 books in bookshelf B, and there are 120 more books in bookshelf a than in bookshelf B______ Ben
25 / 14 = 85, 85-1 = 35120 / 35 = 200 (copies); answer: there are 200 books in B bookshelf
Party A, Party B and Party C jointly process 180 parts. Party A processes 1 / 2 of Party B and Party C, Party B processes 1 / 3 of Party A and Party C, and Party C processes parts
How many?
A: 180 (1 + 2) = 60
B: 180 (3 + 1) = 45
C: 180-60-45 = 75
1. There are two bookshelves. Two fifths of the books in bookshelf a are equal to one fourth of that in bookshelf B. bookshelf a has 120 fewer books than bookshelf B. how many books are there in each bookshelf
2. The number of peach trees in the orchard is one fifth less than that of pear trees. How many more pear trees than peach trees?
3. The sand on the construction site is 6 tons more than the cement. After two days, the remaining mass is equal. It is known that there are 2 / 7 sand left and 8 tons of cement left. How many tons of original sand?
Use the formula method, not the equation
1. There are two bookshelves. Two fifths of the books in bookshelf A is equal to one fourth of bookshelf B. bookshelf a has 120 fewer books than bookshelf B. the number of books in each bookshelf is 8 / 5 of bookshelf A. therefore, the number of books in bookshelf a = 120 △ 3 / 5 = 200, and that in bookshelf B = 200 × 8 / 5 = 320
A, B and C process a total of 180 parts. The number of parts processed by a is 1 / 2 of that of B and C, and the number processed by B is 1 / 3 of that of a and C,
The number of parts processed by C is 5 / 7 of that of a and B. how many parts have three people processed
The solution of 2x = y + Z 3Y = x + Z x + y + Z = 180 is x = 60, y = 45, z = 75
The number of books on the first bookshelf is three times more than that on the second bookshelf by 50. If 150 books are added on each bookshelf, the number of books on the first bookshelf is twice that on the second bookshelf. How many books are there on each bookshelf
There are x books on shelf a and Y books on shelf B
The results of solving binary linear equations
There are 350 books on shelf a and 100 books on shelf B
A: there are 350 books on shelf a and 100 books on shelf B
That's it. Two equations and two results should be enclosed in braces
Party A, Party B and Party C jointly process 1825 parts. It is known that it takes 3 minutes for Party A to process one part, 3.5 minutes for Party B to process one part, and 4 minutes for Party C to process one part. When the task is completed, how many parts will each be processed?
1825 ÷ (13 + 13.5 + 14) = 1825 △ 7384 = 2100 (minutes) 2100 × 13 = 700 (pieces) 2100 × 13.5 = 600 (pieces) 2100 × 14 = 525 (pieces) answer: A has processed 700 parts, B has processed 600 parts, C has processed 525 parts
There are 1175 books in a and B bookshelves. If 150 books are taken out of each bookshelf, the remaining books in a bookshelf are 1.5 times of those in B bookshelf. How many books are there in a and B bookshelf?
The remaining two bookshelves: 1175-150 × 2 = 875 (copies); the remaining two bookshelves: 875 △ (1.5 + 1) = 350 (copies); the remaining one: 350 × 1.5 = 525 (copies); the original one: 525 + 150 = 675 (copies); the original one: 350 + 150 = 500 (copies). Answer: the original one is 675 (copies); the original one is 500 (copies)
Party A, Party B and Party C jointly process 1825 parts. It is known that it takes 3 minutes for Party A to process one part, 3.5 minutes for Party B to process one part, and 4 minutes for Party C to process one part. When the task is completed, how many parts will each be processed?
1825 ÷ (13 + 13.5 + 14) = 1825 △ 7384 = 2100 (minutes) 2100 × 13 = 700 (pieces) 2100 × 13.5 = 600 (pieces) 2100 × 14 = 525 (pieces) answer: A has processed 700 parts, B has processed 600 parts, C has processed 525 parts