A total of 735 parts can be manufactured by a, B and C at the same time, How many did they build each

A total of 735 parts can be manufactured by a, B and C at the same time, How many did they build each

Let the number of parts made by a, B and C be x, y and Z respectively;
2) X: Y: z = 3:5:6, that is, 3x = 5Y = 6Z;
The results show that z = 210, x = 350;
So a, B, C each made 350, 210, 175
It takes two minutes for Party A, three minutes for Party B, and five minutes for Party C to process a part. Currently, 651 parts need to be processed by Party A, Party B, and Party C. if it is stipulated that the task should be completed in the same time, how many parts should be processed
Suppose the time is one hour
In a factory, the number of people in the first workshop is 30 less than four fifths of the number in the second workshop. If 10 people are transferred from the second workshop
Transfer 10 people to the first workshop. The number of people in the first workshop is three fourths of that in the second workshop. How about the number of people in each workshop?
There were x people in the second workshop and 4 / 5x-30 people in the first workshop
4 / 5x-30 + 10 = (X-10) × 3 / 4, both sides multiply by 20
The first workshop was originally:
170 × 5-250
The books on shelf a are 4 / 5 of those on shelf B. after 112 books have been loaned from each of these two shelves, the books on shelf a are 4 / 7 of those on shelf B. how many books are there on both shelves? (solving an equation requires a process)
Suppose that there are x books in the original B shelf, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 45x-112 = (x-112) × 47, & nbsp; & nbsp; 45x-112 = x × 47-112 × 47, 45x-112 + 112 = 47x-64 + 112, & nbsp; & nbsp; 45x-47x = 47x + 48-47x, & nbsp; 835x △ 835 = 48 △ 835, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 210.210 × 45 = 168 (copies), a: there are 168 books in the first shelf and 210 books in the second shelf
In a factory, the number of people in the first workshop is 30 less than 45 in the second workshop. If 10 people are transferred from the second workshop to the first workshop, then the number of people in the first workshop is 34 in the second workshop
Suppose that there are x people in the second workshop. From the meaning of the question, we get 45x-30 + 10 = 34 (X-10), and the solution is: x = 250, then 45 × 250-30 = 170 (people). Answer: the number of people in the first workshop is 170, and that in the second workshop is 250
The books on bookshelf a are 4 / 5 of bookshelf B. the two bookshelves each lend 112 books. The books on bookshelf a are 4 / 7 of bookshelf B. how many books are there on each bookshelf A and B
The books on bookshelf a are 4 / 5 of those on bookshelf B. after lending 112 books from each of the two bookshelves, the books on bookshelf a are 4 / 7 of those on bookshelf B. how many books are there on bookshelf A and bookshelf B? 2. Xiao Ming's age is 6 / 11 of his father's this year, and 4 / 9 of his father's 10 years ago. How old are Xiao Ming and his father this year? 3. The workers in workshop a are 1 / 4 of workshop B, After 30 people were drawn from each workshop, workshop a only accounted for 1 / 6 of workshop B. how many workers were there in each workshop?
Let a x, B 5x / 4 (x-112): (5x / 4-112) = 5:7x = 168 & nbsp; 5x / 4 = 210, let this year's father be x, then Xiao Ming is 6 / 11x (X-10) * 4 / 9 = 6 / 11x-104 / 9x-40 / 9 = 6 / 11x-10x = 55, that is, this year's father is 55 years old, Xiao Ming is 55 * 6 / 11 = 30 years old, If you are satisfied, please [adopt as a satisfactory answer]! If you have other questions in the future, you can click my avatar to ask me for help! I wish you progress in your study!
The number of people in the second workshop of a factory is 30 less than 4 / 5 (4 / 5) of the number in the first workshop. If 10 people are transferred from the first workshop to the second workshop, it will cost one yuan each time
The number of people in the second workshop of a factory is 30 less than 4 / 5 (4 / 5) of the number in the first workshop. If 10 people are transferred from the first workshop to the second workshop, the number in the second workshop is 3 / 4 (3 / 4) of the number in the first workshop. How many people are there in each workshop?
Solve the problem with the equation of one variable!
Suppose there are x people in the first workshop, then 4x / 5 - 30 in the second workshop
After the transfer of 10 people, the first workshop has X-10 people, and the second workshop has 4x / 5-20 people
4x/5-20 : x-10 =3:4
X = 250
There were 250 people in the first workshop and 170 people in the second workshop
It turns out that the books on shelf a are 2 / 3 of those on shelf B. later, four books were moved from shelf a to shelf B. at this time, the books on shelf a are 3 / 7 of those on shelf B. how many books are there on each of the two shelves?
Fang Chengjie
There are x books on the original shelf
The number of books on shelf a is 2x / 3
The solution is x = 24
It turns out that there are 24 books on shelf B and 16 books on shelf a
There are two workshops in a factory. Workshop a accounts for 56% of the total number of people in the factory. If 30 people are transferred from workshop a to workshop B, how many people are there in the factory
30 (56% - 50%) = 500 (persons)
There are 300 books on the two bookshelves of a and B. one half of the books on the bookshelf of a is equal to one third of the books on the bookshelf of B. how many books are there on each of the two bookshelves?
A: 1 / 2 = B: 1 / 3
A: B = 1 / 3: 1 / 2 = 2 / 3
300 × (2 + 3): 2 = 120
B yes
300-120 = 180 copies