Party A, Party B and Party C work together to process a batch of parts. Party A makes 20% of the total number of parts, and Party B makes 120. The ratio of the number of parts made by Party C to that made by Party B is 5:6 How many?

Party A, Party B and Party C work together to process a batch of parts. Party A makes 20% of the total number of parts, and Party B makes 120. The ratio of the number of parts made by Party C to that made by Party B is 5:6 How many?

C made 120 × 5 / 6 = 100
A: (120 + 100) / (1-20%) × 20% = 55,
This batch of parts: 120 + 100 + 55 = 275
Party B has made 120 pieces, so Party C has made 120 * 5 / 6 = 100 pieces, and Party A has made 20% of the total number of parts, indicating that Party B and Party C have made 80% of the total number, so there are a total of (120 + 100) / 80% = 275 pieces in this batch of parts
C: 120 × 5 / 6
Total: (120 + 120 × 5 / 6) / (1-20%) = 275 (pieces)
The number of parts made by C is 5 / 6 of that of B, that is, 5 / 6 times 120 = 100, the sum of B and C accounts for 80%, and the total number of parts: (100 + 120) / 80% = 275
Know from the title
C: B = 5:6 and B = 120
So we can get: C = 100
Then B + C 120 + 100 = 220
Another 20%
Then, 80% of them were made by B and C
There are 275 parts in this batch
The answer is 275
Suppose the total number is x, then a is 0.2x
Because, C: B = 5:6, B made 120
So, C: 120 = 5:6, C made 100
Finally: 0.2x + 100 + 120 = x
We calculate x = 275
Because C: B = 5:6
And because B is 120
So C is 100
Solution: the total number is x, a is 20% X
C made 120 × 5 / 6 = 100
A: (120 + 100) / (1-20%) × 20% = 55,
The number of parts in this batch: 120 + 100 + 55 = 275.
Party A, Party B and Party C jointly process a batch of parts. Party A processes 40%, 20% less than Party B, and what percentage of the total number of parts processed by Party C
B: 40% / (1-20%) = 50%
C: 1-40% - 50% = 10%
There were as many books on bookshelf A and bookshelf B in the library. Later, 38 books were added to bookshelf a, and 72 books were lent to bookshelf B,
This is a bookshelf of books is three times the second bookshelf, two bookshelf original how many books?
Set up two bookshelves, each with X books
There were 127 books on each shelf
There are two bookshelves of a and B in the library. Later, 38 books of a were added and 72 books of B were lent out. At this time, the bookshelf of a is three times of that of B. how many books are there in each bookshelf?
Suppose there are x books on shelf B and 3x books on shelf A. x + 72 = 3x-38x + 72 + 38 = 3x-38 + 38x + 110 = 3xx + 110-x = 3x-x 55X3 = 165 (copies) 110 = 2x110 / 2 = 2x255 = X
There are x books on shelf B and 3x books on shelf a.
X + 110-x = 3x-x 55X3 = 165
If 30 people are sent from team a to team B, the ratio between team a and team B will be 3:2. How many people are there in each team?
3 + 2 = 5, 7 + 3 = 10, 30 ^ (25-310), = 30 ^ 110, = 300 (people); the number of team a: 300 × 710 = 210 (people); the number of team B: 300-210 = 90 (people); answer: the original number of team a is 210, the original number of team B is 90
The number of books on shelf a is 4:7 of that on shelf B. after adding 55 books on each of the two shelves, the ratio of books on shelf a to that on shelf B is 5:6. How many books were there on both shelves?
Suppose there are 4x books on shelf a, then there are 7x books on shelf B. according to the meaning of the title, we can get: (4x + 55): (7x + 55) = 5:6, (4x + 55) × 6 = (7x + 55) × 5, 24x + 55 × 6 = 35x + 55 × 5, (35-24) x = 55 (6-5), 11x = 55, x = 55 △ 11, x = 5, 4 × 5 = 20, 7 × 5 = 35. A: there were 20 books on shelf a and 35 books on shelf B
If 30 people are sent from team a to team B, the ratio between team a and team B will be 3:2. How many people are there in each team?
3 + 2 = 5, 7 + 3 = 10, 30 ^ (25-310), = 30 ^ 110, = 300 (people); the number of team a: 300 × 710 = 210 (people); the number of team B: 300-210 = 90 (people); answer: the original number of team a is 210, the original number of team B is 90
There are 120 books in a and B bookshelves. Later, 15 books were taken out of a bookshelf and put into B bookshelf. At this time, the books in a bookshelf are three times as large as those in B bookshelf. How many books were there in a bookshelf
This question is for children. Children are only three years old in primary school. If you want to answer the question, try not to use the formula with X. it's better to help them with the simple and easy to understand formula
The problem of sum times
Take out 15 books from bookshelf A and put them into bookshelf B. at this time, the books on bookshelf a are three times as many as those on bookshelf B. at this time, the total amount is not changed. First, find out the number of books on bookshelf A and bookshelf B at this time
In this case, B = 120 (3 + 1) = 30, a 120-30 = 90,
The original a 90 + 15 = 105
Take out 15 books from bookshelf A and put them into bookshelf B. at this time, the books on bookshelf a are three times as large as those on bookshelf B,
The total number of the two bookshelves is constant. At this time, the books on the second bookshelf can be regarded as one, while the books on the first bookshelf are three, a total of four. The four books are 120. First ask for one, 120 △ 4 = 30. At this time, the first bookshelf has 30 × 3 = 90, and the first bookshelf has 90 + 15 = 105.
The ratio of the number of a and B road construction teams is seven to three. If 30 people are sent from team a to team B, the ratio is three to two
The ratio of the number of a and B road construction teams is seven to three. If 30 people are sent from team a to team B, the ratio is three to two?
Equation 1: X / y = 7 / 3
Equation 2: (X-30) / (y + 30) = 3 / 2
Substituting Formula 1 into formula 2, 7 / 3 y-30 = 3 / 2 y + 45
The books on shelf a are 4 / 5 of those on shelf B. after 112 books have been loaned from each of these two shelves, the books on shelf a are 4 / 7 of those on shelf B. how many books are there on both shelves? (solving an equation requires a process)
Suppose there are x books in the original B shelf, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 45x-112 = (x-112) × 47, & nbsp; & nbsp; 45x-112 = x × 47-112 × 47, 45x-112 + 112 = 47x-64 + 112, & nbsp; & nbsp; 45x-47x = 47x + 48-47x, & nbsp; 835x △ 835 = 48 △ 835, & nbsp