There are 51 people in the factory. Each of them processes 16 a parts or 21 B parts. It takes five a and three B parts to make a set. How to arrange workers The method of solving the equation,

There are 51 people in the factory. Each of them processes 16 a parts or 21 B parts. It takes five a and three B parts to make a set. How to arrange workers The method of solving the equation,

If x workers are arranged to process a, then (51-x) workers will process B
3* 16x=5* 21(51- x)
35 workers process a, 16 workers process B
There are 51 workers in a factory. They receive a batch of tasks in a certain month. Each worker can process 16 certain parts or 21 type B parts every day. At the same time, this kind of product needs to be processed
Answer in five minutes
Suppose x people are needed to produce class a parts and (51 - x) people are needed to produce class B parts every day
16X : 21 (51 - X) = 5 : 3
16X x 3 = 21 x (51 - X) x 5
51-X=51 - 35 = 16
I happen to be doing Right]
There are 20 workers in a workshop, each of whom processes 5 parts A and 4 parts B every day. A part a costs 16 yuan, and a part B costs 24 yuan
The number of people who are required to make part a is not less than twice the number of people who make Part B. how many people make the most profit every day when they process part a
We should use inequality
If there are x people to make a part, there are (20-x) people to make a part, and the profit is Z yuan
So x > = 2 * (20-x)
The solution is x > = 40 / 3
Therefore, when x = 14, the maximum value of Z is 1696
Therefore, when 14 people make a part, they make the most profit every day
The number of people in workshop a and workshop B is 7:8. If workshop B transfers 16 people to workshop a, the number of people in the two workshops will be the same. How many people are there in each workshop?
224 and 256, respectively
\A, B and C pay 1 / 2 for a TV set, which is equal to 1 / 3 of B's and 3 / 7 of C's
A, B and C pay 1 / 2 for a TV set, which is equal to 1 / 3 of B's and 3 / 7 of C's
A pays 2 / 3 of B and 6 / 7 of C
Propofol 1-6 / 7 = 1 / 7
C pay 120 ÷ (1 / 7) = 840 yuan
Party A pays 840-120 = 720 yuan
Party B pays 720 ÷ (2 / 3) = 1080 yuan
TV price 720 + 1080 + 840 = 2640 yuan
If 12 people are transferred from workshop a to workshop B, the number of people in workshop B is 7 / 8 of that in workshop A. It is known that there are 16 people in workshop B. ask for a car
How many people are there in this room?
Now B = 12 + 16 = 28
A now = 28 / 7 / 8 = 32
A = 32 + 12 = 44
(16 + 12) △ 7x8 + 12 = 44 (person)
There are x people in workshop a
A: there were 44 people in workshop a
There are x people in workshop a,
The result shows that 7 / 8 (X-12) = 16 + 12
It'll work out
If there are x workers in workshop a, then
Solution: x = 44
The sum of number a, B and C is 78, number a is 2 times more than number B, and number B is 2 times less than number C
Let C be x, then B be 3x-2, a be 2 (3x-2) + 4 x + (3x-2) + [2 (3x-2) + 4] = 78 4x-2 + 6x = 78 10x = 80 x = 8, C number 8, B number 8 * 3-2 = 22, a number 22 * 2 + 4 = 48
The number B is 2 less than 3 times of the number C, and the number a is 4 less than 6 times of the number C. if the number C is regarded as a multiple of 1, then the sum of the multiples of the three numbers is 1 + 3 + 6 = 10 (78 + 2 + 4-4) △ 10 = 8 (number C) 8 × 3-2 = 22 (number b) 22 × 2 + 4 = 48 (number a)
The number of people in workshop a and workshop B is 7:8. If workshop B transfers 16 people to workshop a, the number of people in the two workshops will be the same. How many people are there in workshop a and workshop B?
The total number of people: 16 ÷ (87 + 8-12), = 16 △ 130, = 480 (people); the number of people in workshop a: 480 × 715 = 224 (people), the number of people in workshop B: 480-224 = 256 (people); answer: the original number of people in workshop a is 224, the number of people in workshop B is 256
The sum of the numbers a, B and C is 78. The number a is more than 2 times the number B, and the number B is less than 3 times the number C. 2
Let C be x, then B be 3x-2, so a is 2 (3x-2) + 4. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the following equation: x + 3x-2 + 2 (3x-2) + 4 = 78, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X + 3x-2 + 6x-4 + 4 = 78, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp
The number of people in workshop a and workshop B is 8:7. If workshop B transfers 4 people to workshop a, the number of people in workshop a and workshop B is 1:1
A: 4 △ 0.5 × 8 = 64 persons
B: 4 △ 0.5 × 7 = 56 persons
8x8 = 64 (person)
8x7 = 56 (person)