If 2002 is divided into the sum of several continuous natural numbers, without considering the order of addends, how many different methods are there?

If 2002 is divided into the sum of several continuous natural numbers, without considering the order of addends, how many different methods are there?

2002 = 2 * 7 * 11 * 13 divided into 4 continuous natural numbers: 499 + 500 + 501 + 502 divided into 7 continuous natural numbers: 283 + 284 + 285 + 286 + 287 + 288 + 289 divided into 14 continuous natural numbers: 65 + 66 + +77 + 78 is divided into the sum of 11 continuous natural numbers: 177 + 178 + +186 + 187 were divided into 22 consecutive self
When a factory transfers one tenth of the total number of people from workshop a to workshop B, the number of people in workshop a and workshop B is the same
When a factory transfers one tenth of the total number of people from workshop a to workshop B, the number of people in workshop a and workshop B is the same
It is known that number a is 25% more than number B, number B is 15% less than number C, and how many percent more than number a?
I want the answer now
Now I want the answer
Let B be 1, then a be 1 * (1 + 25%) = 5 / 4
C = 1 / (1-15%) = 1 / 85% = 20 / 17
A is more than C
If B is 100 / 100, a is 110 / 100 + 25 / 100, C is 100 / 100 + 15 / 100
The number a is ten percent more than the number C
The original number ratio of workshop a and workshop B is 8:3. After workshop a transfers 27 people to workshop B, the number ratio of two cars is 5:3. How many people are there in workshop a and workshop B?
Set up: workshop a original x people, workshop B original y people
Then: X: y = 8:3
The solution is: x = 192, y = 72
A: there were 192 people in workshop a and 72 people in workshop B
Don't understand can continue to ask! Good luck~
There are three numbers a, B and C. the number a is 25% of the sum of the three numbers. The number B is 50% more than the number C. how many white parts is the number C more than the number a?
The number a is 25% of the sum of three numbers
% B + C = 75
Number B is 50% more than number C
So B: C = 3:2
So B = 45% C = 30%
And a = 25%
Therefore, more C than a (30% - 25%) / 25% = 20%
The number of people in workshop a accounts for 5 / 8 of the total number of workshop a and workshop B. If 27 people are transferred from workshop a to workshop B, the number of people in workshop a and workshop B is 2:3. How many people are there in these two workshops?
Suppose there are x people in two workshops,
Then the number of people in workshop a is 5 / 8 and that in workshop B is 3 / 8x,
There are 120 people in the two workshops
A, B and C account for 25% of the total, B is 50% larger than C, and C is 50% larger than a?
Number a accounts for 25% of the total, then number B and number C together account for 1-25% of the total = 75%
The proportion of C number in the total number: 75% / (1 + 50% + 1) = 30%
The number of C is larger than that of a: (30% - 25%) / 25% = 20%
Number B + 1% = 75%
B-C = 50%
So the number B is 62.5%, and the number C is 12.5%
C number is smaller than a number, not big, 25% - 12.5% smaller = 12.5%.
A accounts for 25% of the total, and B plus C accounts for 75% of the total
Let X be B and y be c
② Substituting (1)
The result is y = 0.3
(Y-A) / a = (0.3-0.25) / 0.25 = 20%
A is 1 / 4 of the total, the sum of B and C accounts for 3 / 4 of the total, and C accounts for 3 / 4 (1 + 3 / 2) = 3 / 10,
The ratio of propofol to methylprednisolone was (3 / 10-1 / 4) △ 1 / 4 = 2 / 10 = 20%.
In a school labor, there are 27 workers in place a and 19 workers in place B. later, due to the need of labor tasks, another 20 people need to be transferred to support, so that the number of people in place a is twice that in place B. how many people should be transferred to place a and place B respectively?
According to the meaning of the question: 27 + x = 2 (19 + 20-x), the solution is: x = 17, | 20-x = 3
There are three numbers a, B and C. the number a is one third of the sum of the two numbers B and C. the number B is 50% more than the number C, the number C is 50% more than the number a, and the number C is 50% more than the number a?
At the same time, how many 2 / 5 hours earlier does the freight car arrive from a to B?
There are three numbers of a, B and C. the number of a is 1 / 3 of the sum of the two numbers of B and C. the number of B is 50% more than that of C. what percentage more than that of a?
If the number of a is 1, then the sum of B and C is 3
The C number is 3 (1 + 1 + 50%) = 3 (2.5) = 1.2
Number C is more than number a (1.2-1) △ 1 = 0.2 = 20%
Two passenger and freight cars are going from place a to place B at the same time. When the passenger cars travel 4 / 5 of the whole journey, the freight cars only travel 2 / 3 of the whole journey. It is known that the passenger cars arrive at place B 1.2 hours earlier than the freight cars. How many hours does it take for the freight cars to go from place a to place B?
The speed ratio of passenger cars to freight cars is 2 / 3:4 / 5 = 5:6
The time ratio of bus to truck is 6:5
It took 1.2 (6-5) × 5 = 6 hours for the truck to go from place a to place B
The number of people in workshop a and workshop B is 3:5, and the number of people in workshop a and workshop B is 2:3
True 120
A x = 405
B y = 5 / 3 * 405 = 675